Chapter 7

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Deku's POV:
I continued to cry in our little feathered cocoon as my cry's slowly dwindled into sniffles. Shoto looked down at me. "Listen Izu you don't have to forgive him right away but I think maybe you should consider it. I'm not saying you have to except his feelings either but forgiveness is something I think you should really consider." I thought through what Todoroki said and slowly nodded.

"I'll consider it but I don't know how long it will take to make a decision much less actually say that I forgive him to his face if I decide to do so."

"I know it'll be hard but I'll be with you supporting you."

"Thank you Sho." I said hugging him tightly around the waist again.

"Of course my little song bird." He replied holding me close and giving me a small peck on my lips. I smiled and we made it back to finish this assignment.

"Ok people next assignment is due in another 2 weeks the topic is hopes and ambition. I want you to write two songs with that in mind practice it and then perform both of them. This will be performed at a music festival at the school in front of the whole school, faculty, family and friends. So do your best to get this done and perfected by that date. Your scores will be determined by the amount of applause you receive from the audience." Aizawa announced to us. We then split up going to the different rooms and I immediately pulled out one song I already wrote that would suit this idea and started working on a new one as Todo and Shin looked over the one I already handed them. I wrote one up fairly quickly since I've thought about this topic a lot and it wasn't too difficult to find lyrics that convey hopes and ambition at least in my case.

So I soon finished and we started practicing all the pieces of the songs together.

Kacchan's POV:
I watched Deku walk back in and sit with his band.

Aizawa gave the announcement of the new assignment which will be easy since I already have songs that I wrote that would fit this topic a while ago. I have always had hopes and ambition so of course I have songs related to it. I showed my songs to my band mates and they agreed it would work. Then the busy two weeks of perfecting the songs started.

I was kinda irritated since for the last two weeks we haven't had time off and I hadn't seen Deku even once. I got to admit that I kinda miss seeing him and I think Kiri realised my especially bad mood.  "Hey bakubro chill I know your upset and annoyed about not seeing Izuku I mean Kami's the same about Shinzo but the concert is tomorrow so just hold on and cheer up." I just sigh and turn to shitty hair.

"I just miss him."

"I know bro but it's ok I'm sure things will go back to normal soon and you'll see him again."

"Not that he will let me near him he seems to hate me." I say tearing up a bit at that thought.

"It's ok bakubro I'm sure he doesn't hate you and if you keep on writing your songs to him I'm sure eventually he will see how sincerely you like him." I just sigh and walk off to my room and lay down thinking of Deku.

Deku's POV:
Today is the day of the festival and I'm currently waiting backstage with the rest of 1A. Most have already had there turn ours is next and last is Kacchan's group. We get called on stage and go to our instruments. A spotlight falls on each one of us as we start to play our songs.

We got a really great response and I was happy with the amount of applause we got. We waved to the crowd as we walked off the stage and the crew came to switch out the instruments to what Kacchan and his band would need.

Kacchan's POV:
Deku's band did great and I was just happy to see him again at all so I walked on stage after they were done in a slightly better mood then before. We got ready with our instruments and started with our songs.

I smiled at Kiri and he smiled back as the crowd erupted in applause after we finished our second song. We smiled and waved to the crowd as they left the auditorium since the music festival was now over and our class made our way back to the dorms. Most of us went straight to our rooms exhausted from the days events planning to have a party as celebration of completing another assignment tomorrow in the dorms common room.

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