Chapter 20

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I'm watching the hospital tv when I feel something move in my stomach, I instantly scream and I call for help. A nurse rushes in and askes what's wrong, I tell her that my stomach moved. She smiled and said,
"It's probably your baby kicking, you are 5 months along and it's normal. Do you need anything? " I shake my head and she leaves.
I rest my hand on my stomach and my baby girl kicks again. I laugh and I'm filled with joy. I smile and I decide to call Kiwi.
"Hello?" She asks.
"Hey! It's Sammie! I'm just calling to let you know that my baby kicked! It feels weird but cool at the same time," she laughs and says,
"Hey, that's awesome! I actually have to go, I'm in school silly, bye,"
"Bye Kiwi," I say.
I end the call and I felt bad for calling her during school, I really hope she was inbetween classes. I shrug it off and I hate lying in this bed. I've been in this bed, without getting up since Monday, and it's Friday. They've been really careful with everything I do. I've had to stay longer since I keep moving around in my sleep and it's been moving my stitches around.
I take my covers off and it instantly gets a little cold. I shutter but I also sit up, trying not to disturb the machines that let off when I move the wires. I carefully put my feet on the side of my bed, and I stood up. It felt so good! I called the nurse back, she comes running in and she tells me to sit back down.
I smile and ask,
"Can you help me walk around? I've been stuck in bed for almost a week, please?" She smiles and says,
"I guess, let me take your iv out and some other stuff,"
She removes every wire and links arms with me. I smile and I step foreword. I feel good so I walk a little faster, the nurse pulls on my arm and I slow down a little. We walk in a complete circle around the floor and once we get back to my room, I thank the nurse and I lay back in bed.
I pull my covers up and I fall asleep.
I wake up with the iv and monitor back on me, I sigh and look around the room. Mr. M is sitting by me and he is crying. I ask him what's wrong and he jumps. He looks at me and says,
"Today, the rest of the teachers found out that I'm the father and the principal says the only reason why he's not calling the police or firing me is because I need the money to support you. He understands, everyone else is completely ignoring me. They think that it's so sick that I had sex with you, a student! We both got seduced into it, we both did it. I'm so sorry, I hope none of the teachers tell the cops or a news reporter, "
I start to cry, stupid hormones! I just smile and try to say it's ok but I'm crying to heavily. He starts crying again and I'm crying, it's a mess. Once he stops, I feel the baby kick.
"JOSH! The baby just kicked!!" I say, almost screamimg.
He stands up and reaches down and lays his hand on my stomach. I move his hand to where she's kicking and he smiles. We sit there in silence and then he sits back down. He just smiles and he then asks,
"Do you have any names in mind for the baby?" I reply,
"Not yet, it's so hard to choose! " He laughs and I laugh also. I feel really tired, so I close my eyes and dream.
I'm in a room, with glass walls. No one is there and then I hear something behind me. It's a baby crying, I turn around and it's Mr. M and he's holding a baby. He tells me how beautiful our child is and then he disappears and the baby is now in my arms.
Out of nowhere, my principal shows up and tells me,
"You and Mr. M made a huge mistake, you can't keep your child. Give her to me!" He reaches towards me and then as he's about to touch me, he also disappears.
I'm crying now holding my baby tight to my chest. All of a sudden, Mr. M is outside the glass walls screaming at me to get out. I run to the glass and run into it. My baby suddenly disappears from my arms. I hear a lot of noise behind me and I turn around. Some kids at my school are running at me with knives and such. I start to scream and Mr. M is trying to get to me. Suddenly, the kids disappear.
I look around and suddenly they are beating Mr. M and then they put him up against the glass wall. I try to get to him but the glass is separating us. One of the high schoolers shoot Mr. M and he falls to the ground.
I wake up screaming and Mr. M is right beside me. I'm shaking and crying in his arms.
"Sammie, what's wrong?"
I stutter out,
"The school tr-tried to kill me and m-my baby and th-then they shot you!" I'm crying uncontrollably and then the nurse comes in.
"Is everything alright?"
Mr. M replies,
"Yeah, she just had a nightmare, can you undo her from the machine so I can calm her down?" The nurse nods and says,
"Your a great dad for being here for her through all of this," Mr. M was going to correct her but he stops.
Once I'm undone, Mr. M picks me up and sits me on the couch by my hospital bed. He sits down and I curl up in his lap even though it's hard to with my big ish belly. He is rubbing my hair and he kisses my head.
"I will make sure that no one will hurt you or our baby," he says.
"And you too," I say. He nods and I feel myself falling asleep again.
I look at the clock one last time and it says 3:30. I smile and close my eyes thinking,
I can't wait to be discharged tomorrow, yay!
A/N: Hey guys! I hope you guys love the story so far, it's almost over!  :'( anyways, please vote, comment, and follow! THANKS so much! :)

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