Chapter 19

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I'm sitting at my desk at school, bored out of my mind and find myself chewing on my pencil. I quickly put my pencil down and stare at the clock, wanting the time to pass. History is the most boring class in the world, literally.
Finally the bell rings and I rush out of class. As I'm fast walking through the hall, my stomach suddenly cramps up and I gasp. I stop walking and hold my stomach, it eases the pain a little bit and I decide to continue walking.
Kiwi comes up behind me and asks,
"Are you ok? I saw you stop and grab your stomach.." she trails off as she gasps. She's speachless and won't say anything. I look around to see if something happened, nothing.
I shrug it off and as I begin to walk, I feel something warm and wet down there. I put my hand there and look. It's blood, and there's a lot of it. I can't look at blood, so I look back at Kiwi. She finally talks and says,
"Is it early labor? Sammie, your almost 5 months!"
Everyone is looking at me and some gasp, others have no words, just expressions. The tardy bell rings and everyone starts to rush off, Kiwi starts to yell,
"We need help! Please! Someone please, there's blood everywhere! " I thought she was joking when I see blood going down my leg and on the ground. I faint.
When I wake up, someone is carrying me. I look up and it's Kiwi! I can't believe she can carry me, she's a bit smaller than me but I guess she has a lot of strength. My head is aching and I reach up and touch my head where it aches.
It hurts as I touch it and I pull my hand away. Kiwi starts to talk,
"These people, ugh. No one would help me! This place better burn to you know where," I laugh and as I do, my stomach cramps up again. I groan and Kiwi starts to walk a little faster. I try to ask her where she's going when we go through some teacher's door. We are in Mr. M's room and I'm so glad he doesn't have a class this hour. Kiwi starts to yell for help and Mr. M appears out of no where. He seems shocked and then Kiwi hands me off to him and she grabs his car keys.
"Mr. M, let's go!" Kiwi yells.
He looked a little confused and then he starts to run out the door. He's carefully holding me bridal style as he runs. Kiwi starts the car and Mr. M sits me in the back. He runs to the other side and jumps in beside me. Right as he sits down, Kiwi guns it and heads for the hospital.
Mr. M scoots over to me and I lean on him, with his arms around me. I'm crying and shuddering and Mr. M asks,
"How does Kiwi know that I'm the father?"
Kiwi responds for me and says,
"We are best friends, we tell each other things ok, also, you're the one that I'm dating, " Mr. M just nods as he's trying to calm me and warm me up since I'm in shock.
It seems forever till we get to the hospital, Mr. M carries me into the hospital. Kiwi ran ahead of us into the ER and we could hear her yelling,
"My friend is bleeding really bad! She's pregnant and she's not 9 months and we don't know what's happening!"
Once we get inside, a doctor tells us to follow him. Mr. M runs after him and we get into a room. Mr. M puts me on the bed and the doctors and nurses push him and Kiwi out. I'm asking them why can't they stay and the doctors are asking all these questions like how old I am, how far along, what happened, and lots of other things.
One of the doctors tell me that they have to take off my pants, I'm about to take them off myself when they rip them off. I hurt everywhere when it suddenly stops, I black out.
I wake up with Mr. M and Kiwi sitting beside me. I touch my stomach and it's still there and I touch down there when I feel bandages. A doctor comes in and greets me. He tells us that I had false labor pains mixed with a huge blood clot that burst. He tells me that I'm very lucky to still have a baby and be alive since I lost a lot of blood. I smile and then he leaves.
"So Sammie," Mr. M says, "the doctor also told me that you'll have to stay for a couple days so they can watch you and make sure that you don't start bleeding again. They've put you on some medicine and bed rest for 2 days." I smile and Kiwi looks at me and says,
"You scared me Sammie, don't do it again! I'm kidding, just be careful. I've got to go home, it's almost 8:00 and my parents are probably wondering where I am since school ended a while ago, love you," I try to say I love you back but my throat is really dry, so I just smile and she gives me a hug.
She leaves and Mr. M holds my hand. He sits down and rests his head. He seems to be crying when he says,
"Sammie, I thought I lost you. I was scared and I didn't know what to do, good thing Kiwi was there for you when that happened. Your grandma is at home, she knows what happened and she'll be here in the morning, I will drop by before school and during lunch and I will be back after school, okay?"
I nod and I kiss him on the head. He smiles and sits there, holding my hand. I feel exhausted so I try to fall asleep. It comes quickly right as I close my eyes.

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