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---Alex's POV---
"Ro's pregnant again?" Mariah asked.

"Yes," I replied. "She is. Don't worry, Ro is able to carry to full term this time."

"This is exciting!" Mom beamed.

"I thought you two weren't trying until after you got married," Dad asked. "Did you two change your mind?"

"No," Ro replied. "It was a happy surprise."

"It was." I stated.

"How long have you known?" Andrew asked.

"Two weeks," Ro replied. "I found out while Alex was away."

"Am I getting a cousin now?" Malaya asked.

"Not for a while yet," I replied to my niece. "But you will in a few months." Malaya shrugged and kept eating.

"I'm worried about you two." Mariah stated. "You two were extremely upset after-"

"I know," Ro stated. "And we appreciate it. However, I am getting frequent check ups to make sure we're okay."

"Are you two nervous?" Mom asked.

"A little." I replied.

"Extremely." Ro stated.

"How are you more nervous than me?" I asked.

"I'm the one carrying the baby." Ro replied. I nodded.

"You have a point." I stated. Ro held my hand tightly. I kissed Ro's hand and smiled.

"Look," Dad stated. "You two are going to make amazing parents. That child is going into a loving family where everyone from both sides stick together through thick and thin. There is nothing to worry about." Ro gulped.

Later, at the Airbnb, I made Ro go lay down as I made dinner. Ro, however, insisted that we be in the same area. Ro sat on the living room couch as I cooked. Ro rubbed her bump and started singing softly. I looked over and smiled.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah," Ro replied. "It's just so weird knowing we're becoming parents."

"I know," I stated. "It's crazy. I never thought of adding 'Father' to my resume so soon." Ro sighed. I put dinner in the oven, walked over to Ro, and hugged her. Ro cuddled up to me.

"I'm scared." Ro stated.

"So am I." I stated. "I'm also excited."

"I can tell." Ro stated, giggling. I kissed Rosanna.

"I can't wait to see them." I whispered.

"Neither can I." Ro whispered. Ro kissed me and smiled. I kissed Ro's bump.

"So?" I asked. "Thought of any names?"

"No," Ro replied. "I haven't." I thought for a moment. However, I couldn't think, so I turned the TV on. Madagascar happened to be on. I began watching it.

"I know we will come up with something." I stated. "We just need an idea on where to start."

"Do we really need to come up with a name now?" Ro asked.

"We can get some options." I stated. Ro sighed, cuddled up to me, and we watched the movie. I kissed Ro's bump a few times. Ro looked down at me.

"You really do love the baby." Ro stated.

"I love you both." I replied. Ro kissed my forehead and smiled.

"This baby is gonna be spoiled with love." Ro stated.

"As it should be." I stated. Suddenly, King Julien, the lemur, came on and started singing.

"Julien!" Ro beamed. "If we have a son, we can name him Julien!" I gasped.

"I love it!" I cheered. I kissed Rosanna and smiled.

"What about a girl?" Ro asked. I thought for a moment.

"How about Dallas?" I asked.

"For a girl?" Ro questioned. I thought for a moment.

"Now that you say that," I stated. "That sounds stupid..... How about Harmony?"

"I love it!" Ro cheered.

"Great!" I beamed. "Harmony for a girl, Julien for a boy!" I kissed Ro's bump and smiled.

"We love you." Ro stated.

"I love you both." I stated. Ro cuddled up close to me and rested her head on my chest. I played with her hair until dinner was ready. Once I got dinner out of the oven, we ate, cuddled up to each other, then fell asleep.

---Ro's POV---
I woke up through out the night. I panicked a bit, thinking I miscarried again. I looked under the covers. It turned out I just peed a little. I woke up Alex.

"Hm?" Alex questioned. I was a bit embarrassed to tell him, but I had to.

"I- I peed in the bed." I mumbled. "Get up so I can change the sheets." Alex got up and started taking the sheets off.

"I got it." Alex mumbled. "It isn't your fault."

"It is." I mumbled.

"You're pregnant." Alex stated. "I got this love." Alex took the sheets off the bed and placed them in the washer. I grabbed new sheets and put them on the bed. Alex came back in and wraps his arms around me.

"I'm embarrassed." I stated.

"Don't be," Alex stated. "Now let's get you into the shower and changed. Okay?" I sighed.

"Okay." I stated. I got showered and changed. Once I got out of the shower and changed, I got into bed. Alex pulled me in close to him.

"That was embarrassing." I stated. Alex kissed my forehead.

"It's okay." Alex stated. "You're carrying our mini cinnamon roll."

"Still," I stated. "I peed in the bed." Alex kissed me.

"I love you." Alex stated. I smiled.

"I love you too." I stated. I cuddled up to Alex and kissed him. Alex kissed my bump and smiled.

"I can't believe we made this." Alex stated.

"We did." I stated. "We really did." I began crying of happiness.

"What's wrong love?" Alex asked.

"Sorry," I whimpered. "I'm just so happy that we're gonna have a baby." Alex wiped my tears and kissed me.

"Don't cry," Alex stated. "You're gonna make me cry." Alex began tearing up. I kissed my fiancé and smiled, still in tears.

"Are those tears of happiness?" I asked.

"Yeah," Alex replied. "They are. I just can't believe we're having a baby." Alex smothered my bump in kisses. I giggled.

"I can't believe it either." I stated. "This is our mini cinnamon roll and I can't wait to meet him or her." Alex pulled me close to him and kissed me.

"I can't wait for our family to grow bigger." Alex whispered.

"Neither can I." I whispered. I fell asleep on Alex's chest, listening to his heart beat.

A Couple of Cinnamon Rolls (A Alex Wassabi x Rosanna Pansino Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now