Romp/Betrayer Family HC

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||First Meeting||

• Baby grunts were a rare sight in the red wasteland known as Nevada. To raise one properly was a miracle itself.

• Your parents couldn't afford to keep you by their side anymore so they had no choice but to leave you to die. Bundling you with dirty blankets, your parents left you without a trace, leaving you on the side of a abandoned building.

• The same day you was abandoned, a wandering Romp was heading back home.

• A confused whine startled the Romp, causing him to look around and search for the source of the mysterious sound. When you whined again, the Romp noticed your dirty blanket and held you up so you were face to face with them.

•  Your bright eyes met his, and it was love at first sight. If your parents couldn't raise you, he might as well try and raise you himself.

• Walking away from the site, he went home with you bundled in his arms.

||Early Childhood||

• When he came home and introduced you to the rest of the romps and the star demon, they were a little skeptical at first. Where did this baby come from? Could they be a spy? Who knows!

• After a couple of inspections, you were considered harmless but the romps kept their distance for now.

• The first thing your new dad taught you was sign language. Since he and the rest of the romps can't speak, sign language was the primary way of communicating. He hopes that you will become fluent in the language some day. (Occasionally, he will praise you with lots of head pats and whatever child-friendly gift he could find when you learn a new sign. Only the good signs though.)

•One time you flipped off your dad on accident and he was angry. He tracked down the betrayer that taught you that naughty sign and had a very serious conversation with them. (It got so serious that another betrayer had to turn the lights off to stop it from escalating.)

• Sometimes when he does the finger guns at you, you do it right back. It's quite adorable.

• Head pats are rare, but it's one of his favorite ways of showing affection.

• Sometimes you won't be able to get a proper nap without your father's gentle touch.

• One time you saw your dad give that smile and you were scared for life.

• It took awhile for your dad to gain your trust back and he promised himself to never do it again in your presence. (So many snacks were used)

•When your dad goes out on a supply run, the rest of the romps become your babysitters.

• They didn't really know what to do with you at first. It was their whole thing to betray grunts and kill them ruthlessly and now they have to take care of someone who was betrayed early in their life.

• They played Telephone and many sign language games with you to help you practice your signs and somehow the star demon got involved too. Surprisingly, he could summon hands and was just as fluent as any other grunt.

• After a couple of hours, your dad comes back to a nap pile of romps with you next to the star demon.

•A star birthmark eventually formed on your cheek, and your dad was happy to learn that they finally considered you family.

Not sure if I should continue or change my writing but let me know what ya think!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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