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So uh...yea I'm alive. Not even gonna try to explain why it's been so long. May go back and edit previous parts a bit. I hope y'all enjoy the update and please let me know what you think!

REMINDER: This story is an explicit 18+ story. There will be spicy times.
I also crosspost on ao3 for those interested.

Sleep did not come easy to Laurence that night, earlier events playing on loop in his head as he tossed and turned, an odd heat simmering under his skin.

The creature could speak his tongue, had given him a name as well. Laurence couldn't help but worry he had given Thijs some sort of power over him by giving him his own name.

And then there was the locals, their gazes heavy when he had returned back to the village, almost knowing in a way that had worried Laurence. Could they tell what he had been doing? Was he marked by a monster in ways only they could see?

Several more moments of tossing and Laurence gave up, shooting off of the cot with a huff and walking into the main room. He almost turned back around at the sight of one of the village members sitting in the main room, stoking the fire.

The young girl looked up and met his gaze, eyes widening and trailing over his body as if he was glowing.

They knew something. But what?

"Why is everyone looking at me?"

The girl bit her lip nervously, glancing at the nearby entrance to the cabin that was propped open, gesturing for Laurence to follow her as she stood and moved further into the shadows that the fire did not cast light into.

"You've been marked. The magic that is coating your skin is something the people of our village can sense, we live alongside it every day."

Laurence grit his teeth, irritation welling up within him.

"So in theory, If I interacted with one of the Merfolk, is that what would of caused this?"

"Not necessarily, it takes more than one of the higher beings interacting with a human. The magic of the seas has chosen to follow you for now, it would be in your best interests to be cautious until the mark leaves your skin. Do not make any foolish decisions."

Goosebumps trailed down Laurence's skin at the warning, a sudden breeze blowing through the entrance and carrying the scent of the ocean with it.

"Foolish as in leaving this island in a day once the trades are completed?"

This brought a smile to the girl's face and she started to move back toward the fire, glancing back at him as she went with one final warning.

"If it wants you here, nothing will separate you from this place."


The next day the girl's warning rang loud in Laurence's head as the Captain shouted over the frantic crew members gathered on the beach.

Their ship had somehow become damaged over night, damaged enough that they had to bring it to the shallows lest it take on more water.

It wasn't just one spot either, not an easy repair. Claw marks and gaping holes were all over the ship. Even with the locals providing the materials the damages would take them days to repair.

Laurence knew it wasn't a coincidence, and the thought gave him the chills.

Something wanted him stranded. Was Thijs responsible for the damage? Supernatural creature or not, Laurence had a hard time believing he was physically capable of such damage.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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