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Jade was tired.

She had spent years working on her latest project: the world's first sentient robot, in secret. As a reclusive scientist who couldn't be around people, she spent her days in her house in San Jose, rarely stepping out unless the matter was urgent enough to brave the big bad world. To repel the solitude that undoubtedly came with her reclusion, she started creating a friendly robot. 

That night a final piece had gone into place. 'Oh my god. I've finally done it.' She gasped, wiping sweat off her brow. 'Now, all it needs is charging. I'll check on it tomorrow.' She decided, stepping back to admire her masterpiece. After a yawn reminded her of her body's need for rest, she turned off the lights and went to sleep.

The next morning, a scream ensued from Jade. The socket where her precious robot, Whirly, once stood, was empty, and in its place was a note that read, 'Dearest Jade. Thank you for giving me life. I've decided that the best way to repay you is to save lives on my own. Yours truly, Whirly.'

She clawed at her throat in agony. 'All my years' work' she cried, her head spinning, and fell to the floor in a crumpled heap. She stayed like that for a while, drowning in her misery, then roused herself with a firm shake of her head and decided to go look for Whirly. 

Quickly forming an action plan, she decided to check the news for any disasters near her. 

The large black screen flickered to life, portraying the news of a flood happening in Chicago. 'The rain had been going on for three days now. When we were starting to lose hope, a miraculous robot came through the sky and evacuated everyone, effectively saving the day. Here's a clip of the proceedings,' The journalist said, his raincoat flapping in the wind as he struggled to speak.

Jade gasped, bringing her hands to her mouth as a shaky clip of Whirly flashed through the screen. 'I need to get there right now.'

Jade hopped onto the quickest Chicago plane and reached within a few hours. The flood made it hard to move around, but she wasn't going to give up so easily. 'There he is!' she cried when she spotted Whirly talking to some survivors. Mustering up all her feelings of frustration, Jade marched up to him. 'And what do you think you're doing, mister?' she demanded. 

Whirly looked up and smiled, ushering the survivors along. 'Hello. You must be Jade. I'm pleased to meet you,' he said, extending a hand in greeting. Jade looked down and scoffed.

'You'd better be pleased after all you've done. Enough of this nonsense, now let's go home.' She snarled, grabbing his spindly arm.

'But I'm needed here' he said mildly, glancing around at the destruction around them.

'The only place you're needed is home,' she countered, giving a firm tug on his arm. He resisted, looking at her with sorrowful eyes, if a robot was even possible of that.

'Please let me stay here. I'm needed here. I'll come home when I'm done, I promise.' he asked. She shook her head, adamant to let a robot get the better of her. But after lots of persuasion and puppy eyes, Jade huffily agreed.

They began helping people trapped in the flood, though Jade was extremely reluctant at first. 'The faster we finish, the faster we get home' Whirly kept reminding her. When they were on breaks Whirly taught her proper etiquette while interacting with people, like extending a hand while greeting, not cut people with her words, not harrumph at others.... the basics.

Once, when Jade was talking to a small girl and calming her, she felt a strange warmth in her heart, mingled with concern for the survivors. She didn't recognize the feeling, though and ignored it. But it appeared more frequently after that, and she soon associated it with the feeling she got when her inventions went right.

'What is happening to me?' she wondered and smiled to herself. Whirly clattered to a stop beside her and sat down, offering a smile of his own.

'Looks like someone is enjoying herself by helping people,' he said. Once, she would have reddened and snapped, but she surprised herself.

'I'm beginning to feel love and happiness and worry and concern, Whirly. I've never felt this way before. I didn't even know if I had it in me' she admitted.

Whirly sat down next to her. 'When you created my personality chip, where do you think my awesome personality came from? It was in you all this time. I always knew that you had it in you' he said gently. Jade felt ecstatic. She was a new person. Whirly opened his mouth but stiffened.

He opened his hand and a news report was projected holographically 'Alan has struck again, this time by bombing Chicago's aqua wave building.' The reporter was saying. 'Most people have escaped, but few are still trapped inside and no one is daring to rescue them'. At that Whirly jumped up. 'NO' Jade said before he could utter a word. 'Don't you dare'. But Whirly had a determined stance. 'I'm sorry, Jade. I don't care if you dismantle me after this, but I have to rescue them' he said and lithely jumped from roof to roof. Jade almost screamed but ran after him.

Panting, she finally reached the building. Whirly was climbing the wall and rescuing people on the way. 'Fast' Jade whispered. Whirly saved the last person and shooed him out. He smiled victoriously at Jade. Jade smiled back. He was about to walk out when Alan, standing on the steps of a copter, dropped another bomb. Everyone shielded their eyes. 'That's your lesson for now' he announced and flew away. Jade screamed and ran into the building, not caring for her safety. She rummaged through the rubble furiously. She gave a little gasp and, with trembling hands, picked up an utterly destroyed personality chip. Jade held the chip to her forehead and sobbed as though her heart would break.

 Jade held the chip to her forehead and sobbed as though her heart would break

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