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In a cursed world of shinobi, there are many powerful eyes such as Sharingan, Byakugan, and many more.

Byakugan - Byakugan is a white eye, and there are only two clans that possess it: the Otsutsuki clan and the Hyuga clan. The power of this eye is to see through things, but there's a limit. Having this eye makes you stronger to use the Gentle Fist technique.

Sharingan - Sharingan is a red eye, and only two clans can activate it: the Otsutsuki clan and the Uchiha clan. The power of this eye is to read movements, jutsu, copy them, and apply genjutsu to someone. There are 5 stages of Sharingan:

- One Tomoe
- Two Tomoe
- Three Tomoe
- Mangekyo
- Eternal Mangekyo

Liangan - Liangan is a yellow eye, and only two clans can possess this powerful eye: the Otsutsuki clan and the Umusake clan. The power of this eye is to read minds and apply genjutsu. There are 3 stages of Liangan:

- Original
- Lindou
- Eternal Lindou

Rinnegan - Rinnegan is a purple eye; anyone can have this powerful eye, but it's hard to obtain. Mostly, the Otsutsuki clan can achieve this eye. By having the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, you can also activate this eye. The power of this eye allows the user to achieve godlike power and even create a moon.

Rinnesharingan - Rinnesharingan is a scarlet eye, and only three ninjas can activate it. It doesn't appear in the user's eye but on the forehead. Having this eye is powerful; the user can apply the most potent genjutsu to anyone who gazes at the moon.

These are the known eyes, but there are many more.

Ninjas use three types of jutsu:

Ninjutsu - Literally meaning "Ninja Techniques," it refers to any technique using chakra that allows the user to perform actions beyond a normal person's capabilities.

Genjutsu - Literally meaning "Illusionary Techniques," it's a jutsu category using chakra to create illusions that affect those who fall victim to it.

Taijutsu - Literally meaning "Body Techniques," it's a basic form of techniques involving martial arts or enhancing natural human abilities. Taijutsu relies on physical and mental energies, gained through training, for hand-to-hand combat.

Once in the land of ancestors ruled by Emperor Tenji, a woman arrived. The emperor asked to bring her to him. Tenji asked for her name, and she replied, "Kaguya Otsutsuki is my name." Tenji asked where she came from, and Kaguya replied that she came from another planet to protect something. Tenji did not ask what it was and asked Aino to take care of her, giving her a room. Days later, Tenji fell in love with Kaguya's beauty, and they became a couple. However, one day while Kaguya was walking in the forest, she was attacked. She used her power to defend herself, and the assassin fled. The assassin was an emperor from another land who asked Tenji to eliminate Kaguya for using magic, which violated their laws, and claimed she was dangerous. Tenji struggled with the decision to kill Kaguya but did not want to. One night, while Kaguya was with Aino, Aino told Kaguya about the Tree of Life. It was a powerful tree with a single forbidden fruit. Kaguya realized her destiny was linked to that tree. On their way to the tree, they realized they were being pursued by the ancestors' archers. Kaguya was pregnant, but Aino was struck by multiple arrows while trying to stop Tenji from harming Kaguya. Kaguya, in a fit of madness, ate the fruit of the tree, feeling an immense power surge through her body. She used this power to slay all the ancestors, freeing herself. Time passed, and she gave birth to three children who inherited her powers, all possessing the Byakugan. Kaguya named the first boy Hagoromo, the second Hamura, and the third, a girl, Haien. They all grew up strong. On their 18th birthday, Hagoromo met a woman named Haori, a cute and kind girl whom he asked out. Haori agreed. One day, Kaguya told them that she was going somewhere for something important, and then she left. After she left, Hagoromo saw a bunch of people in a line heading to the Tree of Life. Hagoromo also saw Haori there and asked her why they were heading to the tree. Haori explained that Kaguya had asked them to go there to perform some rituals, and they left. Hagoromo told Hamura and Haien that he was planning to follow them, and they decided to join him. When they arrived at the tree, they saw many things on the ground wrapped in blankets. They uncovered the blankets and found Haori inside, not breathing. Hagoromo was moved to tears and activated the Sharingan before leaving. Upon their return to their land, some of their people were fighting. They asked them what they were fighting for, and one boy claimed that the other boy had taken all the water from the river, but the other boy denied it. Hagoromo, Haien, and Hamura decided to go to where the water originated to investigate the issue. They found a gigantic rock in the river, causing it to stop flowing. Hagoromo pondered how the giant rock had appeared, as it was too big for anyone else to move except them. A small toad appeared and claimed to be the one who had placed the rock in the river for a reason, leading them there successfully. Hagoromo, Hamura, and Haien were shocked to hear the toad speaking but didn't believe that such a small toad could have placed the rock in the river. The toad showed them that he was indeed the one who had put it there, then took the rock aside. Hagoromo asked him how he had done that, and the toad explained that if he wanted to know more, he needed to come with him, but he couldn't stay as night was approaching. The toad told Hagoromo that he would be waiting for him at that place the next morning before sunrise, then left. Kaguya returned on the third night after that incident. The next morning, Hagoromo left and saw the toad. They introduced themselves to each other, and the toad said that he knew Hagoromo's name, as he had seen it in his dream and also foreseen a prophecy. In any case, he told Hagoromo that his name was Gamamaru. Gamamaru took Hagoromo to the mountain of Myoboku, where the toads lived, and taught him about Sage Mode, a state where the user could harness the power of nature and become much stronger. After mastering Sage Mode, Hagoromo returned to his land and immediately activated the Rinnegan. He was preparing to confront his mother, Kaguya, but she was already aware and had prepared. She had placed a genjutsu on Haien and Hamura and engaged in a battle with Hagoromo. Hagoromo subdued them without causing serious harm, releasing them from the genjutsu. Hamura and Haien also wanted to stop their mother, so they sided with Hagoromo. They engaged in a massive fight that lasted for three months. Kaguya used the power of the tree to create a Ten-Tails beast. Hagoromo, Hamura, and Haien defeated Kaguya using the Six Paths Chibaku Tensei, a sealing technique that required three individuals to apply and create a moon. Kaguya was sealed into the moon, but after her sealing, she created Zetsu. Following the sealing of Kaguya, Hagoromo split the Ten-Tails and transformed it into nine beasts.

"One-tailed beast - Shukaku - demon raccoon with one tail
Two-tailed beast - Matatabi - demon cat with two tails
Three-tailed beast - Isobu - demon tortoise with three tails
Four-tailed beast - Son Goku - demon monkey with four tails
Five-tailed beast - Hokou - demon horse with five tails
Six-tailed beast - Kaisen - demon slug with six tails
Seven-tailed beast - Chomei - demon insect with seven tails
Eight-tailed beast - Gyuki - demon octopus with eight tails
Nine-tailed beast - Kurama - demon fox with nine tails
After naming them, he asked them to leave and help people with their problems. Hamura said he was going to leave, intending to go to the moon to take care of Kaguya because he still wanted to be with her, and he departed. Haien also expressed her desire to travel the world and establish her own people, and she too left. Hagoromo established his own people, and a year later, he had two sons: the older one was Indra, the second was Ashura, and a daughter, the youngest, Lian. They all loved each other, and Indra was a very protective brother to them. They all became strong.

A while ago, Indra created jutsu and hand seals that he taught to all the people, but Ashura couldn't use any jutsu. One day, while Indra was training in the forest, he heard a voice coming from nowhere. He ignored it and left. The next day, he heard the same voice and felt its presence; it was Zetsu. Zetsu told Indra that there was a strong power inside his body that he needed to extract to save his beloved family, but Indra didn't listen and left. The following day, Zetsu appeared again and told him that he needed to unleash his power to protect his family. In a concerned tone, Indra thought his siblings were in danger and went to find them. Indra saw a giant bear facing Ashura and got irritated at Zetsu because he knew it was his fault; Zetsu had orchestrated the situation. After saving his brother, Indra became extremely angry and felt an unfamiliar power in his body. Ashura noticed that Indra's eyes were red, and Indra immediately went to confront Zetsu, asking if that was the power he had mentioned. However, Zetsu only laughed and left. After that day, Indra changed and became powerful and selfish, while Ashura remained kind but powerless, and Lian dedicated herself to helping people.

One day, Hagoromo informed the three of them that they would have a competition, and the winner would become the next leader and the next holder of Ninshu. Lian chose not to participate, stating that she was a girl and only wanted to live a normal life. Ashura knew he couldn't defeat his brother but still participated in the competition, while Indra believed he would win easily. Hagoromo explained that there was a village facing a similar problem that they needed to resolve and return. If both of them came back, he would announce the winner. Indra completed the task effortlessly with his ninjutsu and returned promptly. Ashura took a risk to complete the task, which took a year. He thought that after such a long time, his father had already selected Indra, and he was happy for his brother. However, upon his return, Hagoromo had not yet made a decision, so they all gathered around. Hagoromo chose Ashura because he had completed the task with his own hands and emphasized the need for a kind leader. Indra became furious and went ballistic. Ashura and Lian followed him, and Indra attacked Ashura. Ashura knew why and felt guilty, but Indra was consumed with anger. He attempted to harm Ashura, but Ashura managed to evade Indra's attacks. Ashura understood that the situation was unfair but comprehended why Hagoromo had chosen him. He wanted Indra to accept the decision, but Indra refused, leading to a conflict between them. Indra revealed the Mangekyo Sharingan and summoned the Susanoo, a gigantic, humanoid avatar formed from the user's chakra that protects and fights on their behalf. It has been passed down through all generations of the Uchiha Clan and is the strongest ability accessible to those who have awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan in both eyes. It was Indra's final weapon, but Ashura was powerless and unable to fight. Hagoromo gathered all his people to share their chakra with Ashura, empowering him. Ashura utilized this chakra to create multiple Rasengan, a technique where the user channels chakra into their palm to create a potent chakra sphere. Ashura defeated Indra, who fled. Ashura established his own people, as did Indra in a distant location. Lian announced her intention to establish her own people and set out on a journey to achieve this.

"Later on, years passed, and Hagoromo died. Indra returned to inform his father of his success and then left. Indra established the Uchiha clan, Ashura founded the Uzumaki and Senju clans, and Lian created the Umusake and Yuki clans.

30 years later
Hashirama, the son of Batsuma Senju, the leader of the Senju clan, had three brothers: Tobirama, Kawarama, and Itama. Kawarama and Itama died in the war between the Uchiha and Senju clans, but Hashirama and Tobirama survived.
One time, while Hashirama was walking on the other side of the river, he saw a young boy on the opposite bank. Hashirama tried to talk to him, but the boy didn't speak. The boy was crying, and Hashirama asked why. Finally, the boy spoke and said he had lost his brother, but Hashirama didn't inquire further. The boy introduced himself to Hashirama as Madara, one of the Uchiha, the son of Tajima Uchiha. Madara had four brothers, including Izuna, but the others had died in battle. Hashirama also introduced himself, but they didn't disclose their clan affiliations.
They eventually became friends and met at the river often to play. They would throw stones back and forth as a hobby before parting ways.
One day, they encountered a girl named Diana, the daughter of Kaya Umusake. She had a brother, Haiji, who had died of illness, and a sister, Hana. Hashirama asked her what she was doing there, and Diana explained that she was admiring the forest. She expressed her desire to build a village characterized by peace and happiness. Hashirama and Madara shared her vision and tried to assist Diana in finding a suitable location.
One day, while Hashirama was meeting Madara, Tobirama followed him and observed their interaction. Tobirama reported this to his father and planned an ambush, suspecting that the boy (Madara) might be planning an ambush on Hashirama as well. On the Uchiha side, Izuna followed Madara and did the same as Tobirama. Upon Hashirama's return, Tobirama and their father informed him of their plan to ambush the boy the next day. Hashirama tried to dissuade them, but Tobirama insisted that Madara, being an Uchiha, was the target. Despite knowing this, Hashirama considered Madara a friend. The following day, after their encounter, Hashirama threw a rock at Madara, who reciprocated. Hashirama noticed a message on the stone saying "run," indicating that Madara's father would also attack. Madara saw a similar message on the stone Hashirama had thrown at him, and they understood the impending danger. Hashirama's father and Tobirama engaged in combat against Madara's father and Izuna. Diana witnessed the conflict, and Hashirama and Madara urged her to flee. Amidst the battle, reinforcements arrived on both sides, prompting them to cease the fight and return home. The next day, Hashirama and Madara remained at home, while Diana was still present and tearful, contemplating the possibility of the two clans becoming friends in the future.

"A year passed, Madara became the leader of the Uchiha clan and Hashirama became the leader of the Senju clan. They fought against each other as enemies. Diana sided with Hashirama because she knew that Madara was bad and a descendant of Indra. In the battle, Madara lost, and Tobirama was about to kill him. Hashirama stopped Tobirama and asked Madara to become their ally. Madara refused, stating they couldn't, but Hashirama promised to be a good friend. Madara wanted him to prove it, so Hashirama said he would kill himself. He asked Tobirama not to kill Madara, and if it happened, the Senju clan would be friends with the Uchiha clan. As Hashirama was about to stab himself with his sword, Madara stopped him with tears and agreed to be friends again.

Years later, they finally established their own village called the Hidden Leaf Village (Konoha) in the Land of Fire. Diana took her entire clan to Konoha, as did Hashirama and Madara with their clans and many others. Hashirama became the first leader of Konoha, known as the First Hokage (Fire Shadow).

Time passed, and Madara discovered the Mangekyo Sharingan. To achieve this, he needed to steal others' Sharingan. Madara and Izuna killed some of their clan members to obtain the Mangekyo, becoming more powerful. Madara learned about the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, which required taking another Mangekyo Sharingan. The only person with one was Izuna, who had since passed away. Madara took Izuna's eyes. When Hashirama learned about the missing Uchiha clan member, he asked Madara, who claimed ignorance. Hashirama also inquired about Izuna's eye, as he saw it and Izuna was missing an eye. Hashirama grew suspicious of Madara and tried to track him. That night, Madara attempted to leave the village, but Hashirama stopped him. They fought, and Madara activated the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, summoning the Nine-Tails (Kurama) and placing it under a genjutsu. He used the Susanoo as Kurama's armor. Hashirama utilized Wood Style to create a wood golem, wood dragon, and finally, the Sage Art Wood Release: True Several Thousand Hands. Thousands of hands emerged from the statue's back in countless rows, with the main hands clasped in prayer. The statue served various purposes in battle, from fighting on the user's behalf to defending and using other techniques. They battled at the Valley of the End, where Hashirama killed Madara. Before Madara died, he bit Hashirama's flesh. After Hashirama left, Zetsu healed Madara and revived him.

Years later, Hashirama married a woman from the Uzumaki clan named Mito, and they had three sons: Hanaku, Raikuru, and Hakura. Hanaku later had a daughter named Tsunade and a son named Nawaki.

Years later, the Five Kage of the Five Great Nations held a Kage Summit:

- Hokage, Fire Shadow, Hidden Leaf, Fire Country, Konoha
- Raikage, Lightning Shadow, Hidden Cloud, Lightning Country, Kumo
- Tsuchikage, Earth Shadow, Hidden Stone, Earth Country, Iwa
- Mizukage, Water Shadow, Hidden Mist, Water Country, Kiri
- Kazekage, Wind Shadow, Hidden Sand, Wind Country, Tsuna

They discussed the tailed beasts and their Jinchuriki:

- Shukaku - Suna
- Matatabi - Kumi
- Isobu - Kiri
- Son Goku - Iwa
- Kokuo - Iwa
- Saiken - Kiri
- Chomei - Taki
- Gyuki - Kumo
- Kurama - Konoha

They deliberated on who would become the Jinchuriki, the person who would seal the tailed beast within their body and utilize its power. They fought to determine this. After a month, the Kage declared war, marking the beginning of the First Great Ninja War. The war involved all major villages in the ninja world and was likely caused by an imbalance of power among the Five Great Nations. Despite early attempts to halt the conflict, it persisted, resulting in numerous casualties, including the death of the First Hokage. Tobirama succeeded him as the Second Hokage. Hashirama died due to numerous enemies attempting to kill him, such as Kakuzu and many other ninja. So do Tobirama, "He died because they were being chased by the two immortal ninja from the Hidden Cloud Village, Ginkaku and Kinkaku. They possessed the chakra of the Nine-Tails. At that time, when the Cloud ninja were on the verge of capturing the Nine-Tails, the beast swallowed Kinkaku and Ginkaku alive. However, they didn't die; instead, they consumed Kurama's flesh and absorbed Kurama's chakra. Some of the Cloud ninja who attempted to eat Kurama's flesh perished, revealing that only Kinkaku and Ginkaku could perform that feat. During the First Great Ninja War, when the Second Hokage and his students were pursued by the Hidden Cloud ninja, Tobirama asked them who would volunteer as a decoy, prepared to sacrifice themselves to save their allies. Danzo wanted to raise his hand but hesitated due to the fear of death. In contrast, Hiruzen confidently raised his hand. Tobirama stood up and declared, 'Hiruzen, once you return to Konoha, you will be the Third Hokage.'

To be continued...

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