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Season 2

Part 1

5 months bebore the demon fox with nine tails attack the leaf, a pretty girl was born, and her name is lianna,

lianna is so pretty and so smart, misaraya is her mother and lance is her father, they are so happy that lianna is born, in that time hiyara get jealous of her because she become the favorite but she is wrong, all parents need to care more about the new child, misaraya say it to hiraya and hiraya start to accept her sister, when lianna turned 4, she activate her liangan and also that time she met a boy named sasuke, sasuke is the second son of fugaku and mikoto, and itachi's younger brother, lianna and sasuke become best friend cause their parent are also friend, they hang out together day by day,

when lianna turned 5, her parents decide to live at the palace for 2 years and lianna need to leave sasuke behind, sasuke is only friend of lianna so its so sad to her but she cant stay. While they're arrive at the palace, lance take them to his house when he live their in the past. Its so small and dirty but lianna is so good and kind so she help her parents to clean up, while they're done cleaning, lianna decide to go out and play at the beck of the palace, in that time, lianna saw a boy crying in the grass, she go to the boy and ask why is he crying, the boy said that his brother is teasing him, when the boy look at lianna's face, he stunned of her beauty, the boy stop crying and ask lianna's name, lianna tell him her name and the boy and the boy introduce his self to lianna he said that his name is joshua,

lianna ask him where he live and joshua said that he live inside the palace, lianna ask him if he's a prince and joshua says yes, after that day they become friends, they talk to each other and always play, one morning while lianna and her family is having a breakfast, lianna mentioned to her parent that she want a baby brother, hiraya disagreed to her but in that time misaraya is pregnant and she told it to everybody, all of them cant believe what misaraya says and nine months ago misaraya gave birth to her first son and lianna named it earn, one time,while lianna and joshua are playing outside, there's a genin that walking into them and tease them, he also hurt joshua and said that he is a pathetic, lianna get mad and attack the ninja, out of anger, lianna activate the lindou, she almost kill the genin but lance stop her, lance saw her eyes and take her immediately to misaraya, they are shoked and after that misaraya teach her how to use it, definitely, misaraya is happy about lianna, she is the youngest umusake to activate the lindou, after that misaraya gift her an arnis, misaraya said that she need to master the use of arnis.

In lianna's 8 birthday, misaraya tell her that they need to go back to the leaf, lianna is so happy cause she's going to see sasuke again but she felt sad about leaving joshua behind, after telling joshua about it, joshua cried but lianna stop him and gave him a promise, she said that she's coming back, she don't know when but she's promise, joshua gave her his bracelet and said that she need to give it back.
When they got back there, thay heard a news about jiayejen, jiayejen betrayed the leaf and join the akatsuki, now the akatsuki is known as a villains, but still they want a peaceful world, and they want to destroyed it to build a new one, after that misaraya can't believe it, also in that time, while lianna is walking, she heard someone and they're talking about the uchiha, lianna heard that uchiha itachi killed all his entire clan and join the akatsuki, after hearing that lianna think about sasuke and cried, she taugh sasuke is dead but she just accept it.

3 days later after they arrived at the konoha, misaraya enrolled lianna to the private shool, in her first day, she met a few student that so mean but some of them are friendly, one of them is mayako, mayako and lianna becomes friend, they eat lunch together and train together, one day while lianna is about to go home, linlin call her and said that she will teach her a jutsu, lianna come with her and after that day, after lianna is going home, she train with linlin first and then ho home, in her 9th birthday, linlin gave her a gift, its a peacock  and she named it gale, in the next day linlin didnt come, misaraya said that she's on a A rank mission, after that linlin didnt come back, 3rd ask misaraya and lance to follow her but they also didnt come back and the jonin discover, jiayejen assassinate them, jiayejen becomes powerfull, after lianna hear that, lianna went out of the village to take revenge but hiraya stop her, lianna is so angry at jiayejen and she promise to her self that she is going to kill him no matter what.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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