The First Turn

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"Evelyn," I turned around abruptly at the call of my name, "Did you forget to complete your charts again?"


"No, Andrea, I finished them early; they're filed with the other charts." Andrea Davis scowled at my confidence. Andrea was the worst supervising nurse I have ever had as my charge. I have learned that the best way to deal with her natural bitchiness was to act like it hadn't affected me at all.

Walking away from Andrea, I pressed the button for the elevator and waved at her smugly. The elevator dinged and I stepped inside, grateful to be descending from my responsibilities for the night.

Walking through the lobby to the parking garage, I waved to Joe, my favorite security guard. "Goodnight Joe."

"When are we going on our date, darling? You know you can't avoid my sweet loving forever, Evie!" I snickered to myself. Joe is a sixty year old, black man. He always jokes about taking me out on a date, and insists that I only deny him because I am afraid he will steal my heart.

"Joe, you already know you have all my love. Want me to bring you some dinner tomorrow night?"

"Sure do, babydoll. I'll set the candles out and get you in the mood." I couldn't help but laugh out loud at that one.

"Alright, Joe, I'll bring over something good."

"Nothing will taste as sweet as your-"

"Goodnight, Joe!" I cut him off, walking away towards the parking garage and waving to him over my shoulder.

Shaking my head to myself, I pressed the elevator button in the parking garage and hummed a song to myself. When I got to the fifth level, I started walking to my car, and the light above me blew out.

"Oh that's just great. Really fucking fantastic." I dug around in the numerous pockets of my scrubs for my cell phone, hoping to use the light to guide me.

Before I had the chance to pull my hands out, I was grabbed from behind by a man's hand thrown over my mouth, and the other around my neck. I tried to scream but he gripped me tighter and whispered in my ear, "Scream, and I'll snap your neck." I wasn't exactly in a position to object. I had no doubt that he could easily do it; judging from the strength with which he was holding me.

His voice was gruff, like he'd spent his entire adulthood smoking. By the smell of his hands, I was right.

He started dragging me backwards, and I began flailing me legs around, hoping that I could throw him off balance. He shouted for help, and before I knew it there was another man, even bigger than the man holding me, advancing towards me to grab my legs. He held them together in one of his giant hands and bound my feet with a zip-tie, then dropped them to the ground. Then he joined the other henchman behind me to grab my wrists and do the same.

Using the only weapon I had left, I flung my head backwards and connected it forcefully with my attacker's nose.

"Fuck! You bitch!" He shouted, then turned me around and backhanded me across the face. I brought my hands up to my stinging cheek and held it. The other henchman threw open the doors of a black van that I hadn't noticed, and picked me up and tossed me in.

I was not alone.

There were eight other girls in the back of the van; all tied with zip-ties like me.

I looked around the van, and all of the other girls had the same look in their eyes; the one I knew was also revealed in my own eyes: fear.

What was happening to us? Where are we going? Who are these men? But most importantly, why is this happening to me?

I tried to be a good person my entire life. My profession is to save people's lives and to nurture them while they heal for goodness sake! What have I done to deserve this?

I pulled my knees up to my chest and laid my head against them. I did not want the other girls to see the single tear that fell down my face. Wiping it quickly, I picked my head up and looked around at the girls. The one sitting directly across from me was wearing brown slacks, and a pale pink sweater. Her blonde hair was falling out of a French braid, and her brown eyes were red rimmed from crying.

She looked up at me and her brown eyes pierced into my blue ones. She wouldn't look away, and she began to cry again, so I asked her name.

"Avery," was all she could mutter.

"What do you do, Avery?" I asked, hoping to calm her.

"I'm a teacher. Or, I was a teacher. Before they kidnapped me." The rest spilled out of her between her soft sobs. "I stayed late to decorate my classroom for a party tomorrow. I teach third grade and it was to celebrate all of my students learning their times tables, a-and these men grabbed me outside my classroom." Then she broke out into full, violent sobs. I couldn't stand to watch so I pulled her close and did my best to hug her with my bound hands.

The other girls just turned to stare at me.

It was beginning to feel awkward before another girl with brown eyes, and the longest black hair I had ever seen, locked eyes with me and spoke. "My name is Celia." Her Spanish accent was thick, like she hadn't spent much time in the United States. The girl next to her spoke up next.

"And my name is Amelie." Amelie had her chocolate hair in a short bob, and her green eyes flitted between mine and Celia's eyes. "Celia and I go to school together. We are both exchange students from Europe, and we were walking back to our dorm from the library when, well, you know..."

She seemed almost afraid to say the words now that Avery had calmed down a bit.

I was glad that we were opening up to each other. I was about to explain to the girls that I was getting off a shift at the hospital when I was picked up, but there was a piercing scream that interrupted me.

It was coming from outside the van.

I heard a loud smack, and then shuffling.

The van doors swung open and there was no hiding the surprise on my face at the person who had been thrown into the van with us.


I am just trying out this writing thing, so please be nice. The rest of the story will contain language like this chapter, although I try to use it sparingly; no need to put it were it isn't necessary. I am not entirely certain what the rest of the chapters will be like, but I am sure there will be parts that are suited for a more mature audience. Age doesn't matter, just don't read if you aren't comfortable with the content. Any feedback is appreciated. I try to write everything correctly the first time, but any grammar corrections are helpful. Hope you enjoy :)

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