Which one... (emergency bay)

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You ran to the emergency bay hoping it was still open from last time...It wasn't but the guns were there.. it saw the guns and how close you were.. so it jumped at you. But you dodged it and grab the gun.. you aimed it at the goggled thing. But it had no ammo but you acted like it did..It said "Woah there" with its hand up.. but it looked like it was but to attack... You ducked right on time it jumped at you again. You hit it with the gun making it know, you had no ammo. You tried multiple guns. Untill the last one. A sniper was last, you grabed it and it impaled the goggled thing with a sniper bullet! It fell, not dead just injured.
It was mad as you knew. You pressed the emergency bay open button but it was so slow..
The goggled thing started to get up as you pressed the button fast. It fully got up enraged... the emergency bay stoped at crouching size. Then the goggled thing with both hand hit the ground cuasing some of it to brake and ran fast at you. You crouch and get to the other side of the emergency bay.. "surely it couldn't bra-" you got cut off when it BROKE through the emergency bay.. that metal was a foot thick... you ran fast away..

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