Chapter 27

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We got to the mansion,so big and protected by arms and arms of men. The gates were black and very tall,protected by two body built men that dressed like assasians. My heart was already beating so fast cause i know Diana is in and i don't know the pain she's passing through right now. The cop which i came with scanned the whole area and brought out a sniper.
"What are you doing?" I questioned him while he was putting a silencer over it

"Do you want your girlfriend or not?"

I nodded  "but we're meant to go in,we can't just sit in this damn car and expect Diana to run out safe"

"Will you shut up and stop behaving like an idoit boy,I'm using this sniper to make a way for you,once these men out here are down,you go in with that gun you're holding and bring your wife"

"What!!?" Me? Go in?

"You heard me" i held my gun tight,if i talk again this man might Go back back home... "now watch"
He positioned the sniper aiming it on one of the guards head and immediately he fell to the floor with blood around,i was shocked as fuck,the cop was so skilled and he did it once.
The other guard ran to the other guard which was probably dead and brought out a walkie talkie and then boom he drops on the floor.

"Now go in" i came out of the car immediately and ran towards the gate,i saw the bodies covered with fresh blood and i almost gagged. I picked up the walkie talkie and tue gaurd cardigan,wearing it with a face mask,i looked back at the cop who was so focused with the sniper. I opened the gate and went in.

The mansion was big and well secured. I quietly walked through the hall ways and up to a stairs,there were alot of room and i can't figure out where Diana is. I just have to be wise and bring her out of this hell of a place,i can't wait to see her and caress her soft tanned skin and smell her hair while her head is on my chest. I bumped in two guards immediately i made a left turn in the hallway.

"Ezekiel where are you going?" Huh? Ezekiel? I looked at thr badge on the cardigan and it has the guard which i knocked out ID " you're meant to be at thr front gate not here" the man said

"Uhhh..i came to deliver a message for the boss, we are being invaded by the other troops" i picked up a very good lie which will help me reach Diana quickly. The gaurds started to panic.

" what?! You're meant to hit the alarm not come here,where's henry?" I suppose Henry is the other guard that we knocked out.

" he is defending with our troops and it has lead to firing at each other" i said as beads of sweat formed on my forehead. The other gaurd that has been quiet brought out a walkie talkie.

"529!529 has been dropped dead,report" then realisation hit his head and he kept on scanning me, i knew he'd find out I'm not part of them,i immediately took the other turn running to where ever as they chased me. I could hear them shouting stop and calling other gaurds shouting intruder. I saw a fire alarm on the wall as i ran towards it using my elbow to break it. The alarm went on so loud. People, mostly women and men ran out of their rooms looking for the exist. I guess the guards lost me,i kept on running as everywhere became crowdy and full of noise.

I saw another stairs, no one was running down or going up,it was a white stairs and i knew Damon and Diana were located there. I charged my gun and went up the stairs,there were two white doors facing each other. I opened the first and aimed to the air but the room was empty, just a bed and chains. My heart broke immediately at the thoughts of him using them on diana. I turned backwards to the other room. My hand trembling as i approached the door. This time i kicked it open.

" hands in the air" i looked around and my eyes fell on Diana, i didn't know what else to do, i ran to her  as she looked so happy yet depressed. Her skin was pale as ever and she was barely covered in a see through white torn cloth. " diana" i whispered,i hugged her tight as tears fell from my eyes,i pulled away and held her face looking in her green eyes.

" I've.."she sighed and took in deep breath " been waiting for " she was so weak as ever and it broke my heart in pieces.

" i know and I'm sorry i couldn't save you" i kissed her hands and her cheeks, tears fell from her eyes as she gave me one of her brightest smile.

I turned when i heard someone clapping,it was Damon. He was sitting on the couch all this while? I didn't see him when i walked in. I dropped my gun and a phone inside the blanket for Diana and Damon didn't notice.

" well .claps. well. Claps. Well" he crossed his legs and sipped from a cup of coffee. The anger in me escalated as i thought of the things he had done to diana, i brought out my small gun from my jeans pockeg and aimed it at him.

"I'm going to end you now damon"

He laughed " you know how I'm protected in my mansion right and any minute from now, my gaurds will come in here and dispose you"

" you need bunch of morons to procted you and you call yourself a man" i laughed at his fear

" not really, i can handle you myself but i don't want to stain my white suit" he stood up spreading his hands so i can see his suit,i scoffed. " but since you're stubborn I'll take care of you myself "

" cameron no, he's too dangerous" i heard Diana voice

" tell him senorita, tell him how i chained you on my bed and treated you" a knot formed in my chest as i turned back and she was already crying. He walked to lock the door

" I'm going to kill you damon" i was pained and angry

" or tell him how i fucked you so hard day and night until you were useless" i shot the floor near him and he flinched "you spoilt my carpet?he bent and touched the place the bullet destroyed"

"Crying over a carpet?you fucked my Diana?you treated her like an object?!"i shouted

He stood and brought out his own gun aiming it at me "yes and I'm going  to dispose her tomorrow after selling her parts " he shot my leg and i fell down

" cameron!!" Diana shouted as i hissed in pain hugged my knees as my blood began to gush out.

" you spoil my carpet, i spoil your feet boy" he walked to diana and kissed her head " she's mine" Diana was crying so badly and shaking. He turned to me.

"What do you think?come in to my mansion and kill me alone?are you crazy?"he kicked me and i spat out blood " do you think I'm an ordinary person?" He kicked me again "I'm damon,king of the white cocks"he kicked me and this time i nearly passed out  "so cheap to think you can come in here alive and go back alive and-" he fell on the floor and there was a large amount of blood on his chest ,i looked at Diana and the gun fell out from her trembling hands, she was on her feet, how did we not notice her. She fell on her knees. Crying.

"I..i am sorry,i... didn't..mean to..." she crawled to me and hugged me

" Don't worry princess,you did the right thing" i kissed her nose " now go call the police with that phone" she called the police and came back to hug me.

" why did you come for me?i thought you've moved on and.."she sobbed " i thought everyone erased me from their life"

I smiled and took her face in my hands

" you think I'll let you go easily?"she nodded "no baby you're wrong,i came for you sunshine" i kissed her.


Damon survived but at a spinal problem,after his recovery he was arrested for kidnap serving 5 years imprisonment. Diana was recovering a little with my help and her family help,though she always have flashbacks which lead to convulsion but we always took care of her.

We stayed together in a new state where i propsed to her and we started our family.


I'm so sorry i took so long in this story,at a point i got tired and left it but i had to finish it because of my readers.
Thank you all for the journey so far. Love y'all.


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