Chapter 20: Violins and cases

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As we finally arrived home, Sherlock walked into the kitchen to check on his experiments. I saw Sherlock's violin laying on the ground and I picked it up. I placed the violin under my chin and lifted the bow. I started playing my favourite piece: "Who I wanna be."
God, I love playing violin.

I faced the window as I played, turning my back to the room. As I neared the end of the song, I could feel two strong arms gently wrapping around my waist. I kept playing, knowing it was Sherlock wrapping his arms around me.
God, I love him.

When I finished playing, I lowered the violin. I enjoyed Sherlock's embrace for a couple of moments, when I heard his phone ring. I looked at the caller ID: Mycroft.
He picked up the phone, his arm still wrapped around my waist. After a minute he hung up, and looked at me: "Y/N, Mycroft possibly has a case for us. You wanna join in?" He asked.

"Sure." I smiled at him.

30 minute timeskip

We arrived at Mycroft's office 30 minutes later. I knew this place, and I walked straight to Mycroft's office.

"Good morning Mycroft!" I said.

"Good morning Y/N, Sherlock." He nodded in his brothers way, Sherlock nodded back.

"Sot down please." Mycroft suggested. "So, you might not be really happy to hear this. But Moriarity broke out of jail." He continued.

"For fuck sakes. He's such a drama queen, always wants to be in the spotlight." I said annoyed.

"I know Y/N, but we are after him. What I'm gonna ask you now, is something that I want you to be honest about. You need to tell me if you don't want to do this." He said
The look on his face was open, It was like I could read his thoughts.

"You want me to flirt with Moriarity and get inside information right?" I asked

"How did you? Nevermind, but yes." Mycroft replied

"Absolutely not. She's been trough enough, and its dangerous" Sherlock replied

"Sher, just listen to me. This might be our change to be happy without worrying about Moriarity. I wanna try, and it's obvious he has a crush on me. Just for this one time, let me try. I'll be carefull" I said

"Alright then. Y/N, I love you. Just promise me you'll keep in contact. And take care of yourself." Sherlock replied

I smiled, he smiled back. Mycroft broke the silence: "Y/N, I've got some stylists here for you. Could you sent Moriarity a message to pick you up around 7 this evening? Try to convince him you want so side with him. Okay?"

"Sure, gove me a minute." I replied as I grabbed my phone from my pocket

Hey darling,

After our last meeting I figured that Sherlock is boring. I would like to side with you, if possible. But I'm pretty sure that is possible. Can you pick my up at 7? I'll sent you my location later.


"Send it." I said

"Good, now if you two will follow me?" Mycroft said walking out the door.

Sherlock and I followed Mycroft into a big room with a beautiful, wine red dress standing on a manequin in the middle of the room. "Wow." I said.
Mycroft smiled at me: "the stylists will get you ready." He turned his back to me and walked out the door.

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