Chapter 8

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(Keefe's POV)

He admittedly rushed to the side of the cot Sophie was on, 

"Your awake." He managed to stutter. Grady and Edaline quickly came in.

"Where's Sophie?" Grady asked in a stern tone, he was stone faced, but Keefe could see the panic in his eyes.

"Over here." Keefe said backing away from the cot so they could see their beautiful daughter who was still a dark shade of blue. They both rushed over to her. Gradys eyes softened. He grabbed her hand and put it over his heart.

"Can you hear me?" he whispered to Sophie who was in fact up. But she didn't respond. His eyes were welling up with tears. "Please, I can't lose my daughter again." He whispered when a tear slipped down his cheek. Then all out of this sudden his face lightened. "She is up. Just not physically, she can hear us." he said with hope in his eyes.

"How do you know?" Fitz said in a snobby tone.

"Anyone can receive transmissions cognate boy." Grady said.

"What are you saying then?" Fitz said.

"What he's saying is that he got a transmission." Keefe explained.

"From whom?" Fitz asked clearly not understanding what was going on.

"Oh my gosh bird brain, Sophie! Sophie gave the transmission!" Dex exclaimed.

"It is an embarrassment to be related to you." Biana mumbled. 

"What!?" Fitz yelled. His face looked like a tomato at this point from both anger and embarrassment. "How could it be possible that you don't want to be related to the Fitz Avory Vacker?" Fitz stated. 

"I can't believe I dated you." Sophie said looking at Fitz with a smug grin spread across her face. Everyone just stared at her with blank eyes.

"Sophie?" Biana asked. Sophie was still blue, but a lighter shade.

"Yeah?" Sophie asked not knowing how long she was really asleep. She looked absolutely shocked when Linh said the next thing.

"Sophie, you've been in some coma type thing for nearly two weeks." Linh said in her soft voice. Good thing it was Linh. If it were any of the rest of them it would have come out... Differently. Something about Linh's voice was soothing, made everyone and everything calm by just being in her presence. Made Keefe think that Linh and Fitz might be good together. A Ying and Yang kind of thing. Fitz with fire like angry and Linh with mellow water vibes, they might channel each other's energy out. 

"I thought you could hear us?" Keefe asked. "I'm not crazy right, Grady did say that." he asked to clarify.

"I did." Grady said while running his hand through his hair. 

"So..... Doesn't that mean she already knew that, because we talked about it a whole lot. And if she could hear everything then... Wouldn't she hear that too?" 

"Attention! Attention! I found blankets. You are welcome." Elwin came bursting out of a little closet he had been searching for blankets in. When he finally looked around, he realized why people weren't clapping for his amazing find. "Sophie!? You're up." 

"Yeah, I am, also what happened? Like five minutes ago I was in my room talking to Biana about... irrelevant things when-" Sophie was cut off by Tam. 

"Wait, how long do you think you were asleep? For us it's been two weeks." Tam said. His knobs in his head were clearly turning, as well as everyone else's in the room. Especially Elwins.

"That's what Linh said but I've only been trapped for five minutes." Sophie told the room.

Biana was now pacing blinking in and out of sight. Tam was in a corner thinking. Dex was franticly messing around with a gadget. Sophie plopped back on her bed and was looking at the ceiling pondering the world's deepest and darkest secrets and all the problems of the world and how to fix them even though she knew she couldn't. Grady and Edaline were talking to Elwin. Fitz just look mad and scared at the same time. And Keefe, well Keefe was doing what he was always doing, worrying about Sophie and his hair, but mostly Sophie. (Are we surprised? No? great. That's not a surprise either.) 

"Wait, I know what's going on." Lihn suddenly said.

"What could you know?" Fitz huffed.

"I know that I could kill you in less than three seconds if you hurt my sister". Tam said starring at Fitz with a death glare.

"Geez I didn't even touch her." Fitz looked at Tam with a side-eye.

"Hurt her physically, or mentally. I'll slice your-" Tam was cut off by his sister.

"Tam I'm fine. Anyway, my point was when me and Tam lived in the woods with gnomes, they told us of ancient curses." Linh told their group, who were all now standing around Sophies cot.

"What kind of curses?" Biana curious to know more.

"Well, they are good and bad. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. (It's may the 4 ok) lived a great queen. Queen Astrella, she was cursed by a peasant in her kingdom who hated her. Nobody really knows why, but she cursed her to sleep for weeks. Her kingdom weakened without her guidece which made it easy for nearby kingdoms to invade with a queen sleeping on the job. Literally. The peaseant healed the queen with her own recipe which earned her fame and glory. Queen Astrella eventally died and the peaseant took her place, but little did the people of the kingdom know that they were fooled. So, my point is I think Sophie had to have some of that poision." Linh finshed up her story and sat on the end of Sophies cot.

"But why would someone curse me? I thought we were done with stuff." Sophie sighed.

"I don't think we will ever be done with stuff." Dex said.

"Nope, not unitl the end of time." Keefe added. 

"Let's call it a night everyone. Meet at my place tommorow." Sophie confirmed with everyone that her plan worked. Then they would go from there.

Hey guys so how did you like this chapter? I thought it was pretty good. More things to come. I'm trying to put out new chapters every other day so look out for that! thank you all for reading. Sorry for cliff hangers. :(

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