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Rory was on her way back home, stomping though the rain. There was a strong wind that made it difficult to hold the umbrella steadily, and so she was soaked in cold water.
Damn this fucking weather.
As Rory turned the corner into the street where her apartment was, she reached for the key in her pocket.
Her hands reached into the other pocket and then into every pocket that could be found on her body.
Still nothing. Dammit.
Now she had to walk all the way back to the Mansion. In the dark. In this deadly, fucking rain.

If something happened now, she wouldn't be able to defend herself because the KEY she had forgotten had all of her self defence weapons where ON that keychain.
She had no other choice but walk back to the Mansion that was next to Gothams City Centre. Aurora knew that Bruce had multiple places of residence, for example Wayne Manor.
The almost palace-like place was a vast manor house situated on a hilltop in the exclusive Gotham suburb of Somerset. Rory had been there once in her years of friendship with Bruce and besides the furniture having been wrapped in cloth, it was more than nice. Bruce had been silent the whole visit of his old home and she didn't blame him.

Aurora was taken aback by the sound of steps only a few feet behind her.
She couldn't turn around, of course, so she just kept walking faster.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
It sounded like her "follower" wasn't exactly heavy, but that wouldn't mean he was weak.
Rory kept walking, feeling terribly angry at herself. Of course, she was scared of the man, but all of that wouldn't have happened if she just had remembered to pick up the key from the kitchen table.
Not being fast enough, the man that she thought was still ten feet away, grabbed her by the arm and turned her around to face her. The girl did not expect the man wearing a mask to cover his face, but now, her frightened, brown eyes locked with the robbers dark ones. She couldn't move, she didn't even fight.
"Your bag."
The both of them stood like this for what seemed hours until the man let out a small chuckle.
That little laugh somehow brought Aurora back to reality. Anger started to boil in her chest and the part of the arm that the man was still holding onto.
Now a small smile crept onto her face.
"No." She tore herself away from him and hit him hard in the jaw with her clenched fist. He groaned in pain, of course he could have overpowered the girl without any effort, but he didn't see the hit coming. After stepping a few feet away, Rory thought she was safe, she really kicked this guy's ass. Inside she was celebrating her victory.
She had been glad to early.
The guy, now furious, walked straight to her and before she could even try to run, he grabbed her by the throat.
His dirty fingers grasped around it. He tightened his grip on her as she gasped for air.
Damn, this escalated quickly.
"You're one of those bitched who think that they are somehow badass just because they don't laugh or cry at everything and wear skirts not as often as the others."
Oddly specific, but basically. His fingernails dug into the sensitive skin of Auroras neck. She winced.

"You know, I was gunna be nice on you and all, but n-"
She kicked straight between his legs and he released his grip on her, screaming.
"Fucking bitch, just wait un-" And that's when Rory started to run, her bag clutched tightly to her body. She ran and ran until she finally reached the Mansion again. She didn't look back to see if the guy was still following her, she ran straight into the foyer, catching her breath. The adrenaline rush started to fade and with it's fading, Rory realized how lucky she had been. So much worse could've happened.
"Miss Whitlock, did you forget something?" Alfred asked, furrowing a brow and smiling lightly. He was sitting in a dark green armchair, reading the papers under dim, yellowish light.
Paralyzed, Rory stared at him, breathing heavily, looking like she'd just seen a ghost.
"Is everything alright?"

"Um, yeah, yeah I'm fine. I.." She tried to steady her breath. "I just forgot my keys, that's all."

"Well, then." He tilted his head back to the newspaper.
Dismissed, Rory gave a quick nod and went to look for her keys. The building was huge, not a single person could walk trough all floors without taking ages.

Aurora walked trough the big hall of the second level, her wet shoes making squeaky, uncomfortable noises on the dark parquet flooring. These massive rooms are way too big for two people. The keys where nowhere in sight.
Where the hell is Bruce? Today there is absolutely nothing on his calendar. As always.
She DID go into his room today.. so maybe her keys where there.

With long strides she headed for Bruce's bedroom and knocked on his door. No answer. Weird. Nevertheless, she stepped inside his room and immediately found what she was looking for laying on the floor next to the window. The keys must've fallen out of her pocket when she was opening the curtains. But Bruce was not asleep, nor was the bathroom door locked. Aurora still had to ask him if he would join her for the event tomorrow.
He actually had no choice, Rory already had confirmed to happily be a part of the event, hoping it was okay for Bruce to go with her.
She figured that this room was the only place he could be at besides... the basement.
Bruce had strictly told her not ever to enter one foot into that part of the house.
The girl took the elevator straight into the basement.
The silence in the elevator made her overthink her choice just a little. The doors opened.
Her eyes where greeted with darkness and a cold, gentle breeze made her skin shiver.

What the hell is this down here?

A/N: hope you enjoyed so far!!!

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