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I came home after the school was over. I had to pick my brother from his school, so Amy and I first went to his school and then she dropped us to our home. I really didn't wanted to do anything much, so I made us some pasta and then we decided to watch movie. I had done my homework in the school only, so I was just in the mood to chill.

Me and James always loved doing things like this. We both love chilling out, doing nothing. I love him, he has always been my cute little friend. Even when I don't speak or ask him, he always tell me about his day. He is not that much shy as I am, but he is not too blunt or outgoing too. But, he is very aggressive, if someone gets on his nerves. Well, it's quite few times that we got information about him beating some kids. But, to be honest I like him, his attitude because if I would have been in his place then I wouldn't have done anything, atleast he has the courage to face his problems. But, I won't tell him that. He is a very reserved person, he is like those people who are famous but they don't show it. Well, to be honest he is quite handsome, he has blue eyes and a cute smile, with good height.

"So how was your day, Liv?" I came out of my thoughts when James asked me.
"Yeah, it was good. Nothing special." I said while looking at the screen. He just nodded.
"Tell me about yours?" I asked him.
"Well, I had football practice and the coach said that I can be a good player and he also said that he is thinking of making me the captain." He said excitedly.
"Wow, that's so great. I'm happy for you, Jamie." I said smiling at him.
"Thanks." He said and then we continued watching the movie.

15 minutes later, I got distracted from my movie when I heard my phone ringing. I took it and saw that it was Asher, I moved away from the living room to take the call.

"Hello!" I said after picking the call.
"Hey Lia. It's Asher." He said from the other side.
"Umm..yeah, I saw your name before picking the call." I said and he chuckled.
"Hm. I called to ask if you are still up for the tutor thing." He said.
"Yeah, I don't have any problem." I told him.
"Okay, so my place or your's?" He asked me immediately.
"Anywhere is okay." I said to him.
"Then text me your address, I will be there on 15 minutes." He said and I agreed. We cut the call and I texted him my address and moved back to the living room and saw James watching the movie.

"James, I'm going to clean my room and this place as one of my friend is coming and we are gonna study here." I said to him to which he nodded and helped me with the cleaning thing.
"Amy is coming?" He asked while sitting on the couch again.
"Nope, she is not. It's one of my classmate." I said and sat beside him.
"Oh okay, who is it?" He asked and I was about to reply him when the doorbell rang interrupting our conversation.
"Let me get that." He said and ran to the door while I walked behind him.

James opened the door and there stood Asher in all his glory, his hairs were wet and he looked fresh, maybe he had taken a bath. He smelled good even when I was standing far away from him.

"Oh you must be Liv's friend, please come in." James moved out of his way and Asher came inside.
"Hey, Lia." He said after step inside the house.
"Hii." I said without looking at him.
"Mind introducing us." James said coming beside me.
"Oh yeah. James this is my classmate Asher and Asher this is my brother James." I introduced them.
"Well, hello Asher. Nice to meet you." James said to Asher while putting his hands out for handshake. Well, I told you James is still that confident and socially strong person, so he is being himself again.
"Hey, James. Nice to meet you too." Asher said and shook his hand with James.

They both left each others hand and nodded for some reasons which I don't know. I cleared my throat to gain there attention. James understood my action as he gestured Asher to move further inside the house. He took Asher to the living room and asked him to sit and then excused himself and moved to the kitchen while pulling me with him.

"Who is he, Liv?" James asked to me while crossing his arms.
"That's my classmate, Jamie." I said with a sign as I knew why he was saying this.
"Really? A classmate?" He asked and I nodded.
"Then why are you being all awkward with him?" He asked with an eyebrow up.
"Because, I'm an awkward person. I'm awkward in every situation, and with everyone. You should not worry, he is no harm Jamie." I said while putting some snacks and drinks for our self.
"Hm, okay. But, if he do anything, and I mean anything then tell me right away." He said with the most serious face I have ever seen, and I nodded.
"I will, promise." I said smiling and then we moved to the living room again with the tray of snacks and drinks.

I placed the tray on the table and James took his leave as he went in his room to do his homework and took some of the snacks and drink which was his.

"So you wanna sit here or in the room?" I asked him.
"Anywhere is okay." He said just like I said to him earlier.
"Let's go to my room, then." I said and picked the tray again and started walking to the stairs. I stood in front of my room but I wasn't able to open the door.
"Let me do that for you." He said and I nodded while stepping aside.

He opened the door and stepped inside, moving further inside completely ignoring me. I moved inside my room and kept the tray on the table and looked at him, who was looking around my room with his hands in his pocket and with his back facing me. Even when I can't see his face, I can still tell that he was interested in my room.

My room is not as much interesting as he make it with his looks, it just have my bed in the middle of the room which was quite big, then there are pictures of me hanging in the wall just above the bed, and then there is this small shelf full of book, beside it is my study table and then on the other side of the room is a closet full of my old and new clothes with a bathroom just beside it and there is a vanity just beside it and then there is a window from where I can see the neighbours  around us. My room is not too decorate, but I have kept some plants here and there, as I love plants.

Hello bubbles ❤️✨
Hope you like this part.
See you soon.

– Author/ 작

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