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Asher and I studied for like 2 hours, except the time when he took a break. He really can't sit for a very long time in a place, he needs break in almost every 20 minutes. He is quite good in studies, it just looks like he doesn't wants to do it. He is a quick learner too, we covered many things because of that.

I also learned that he do many things just to irritate our teachers. He also said that he likes when they have that grumpy mood. That's something no one really accepts even when they do it intentionally. Well, after our tutor session he left. We agreed to have another session tomorrow or I must say daily.

After that, I called Amy and to say she was shocked would be an underestimation. She even got mad that I didn't told her, but I convinced her and thanks to the god that she forgave me or else she is really good at throwing tantrums and she know that, well she even likes it.

And today, we are back to school, the hell hole. I don't hate school or studying but it's tiring. We get so much homeworks and assignments, that sometimes I really think that we should get paid for this much work. And, the second reason that I hate this school is people in it. The students are so judgemental and so rude sometime that it becomes so annoying and it makes me angry.

Well, it will be a lie if I said that I don't love anything in this school. I love the playground area, and the small garden which is full of beautiful flowers and also the library.

I love the literature class too. I have wrote some poetry on different topics but I have not showed it to anybody yet. I have my secret journal, no one has read it not even Amy. I'm still taking time to open that topic to her, maybe I'm overthinking about how will she react or will she like it or not. I know Amy will never ever judge me or make me overthink about anything, but I have wrote about myself, my own fears and some are related to the love poem as I'm hopeless romantic and I can't help it.

My life is not bad and I'm grateful about it. I have a great family who loves me, support me and also a precious best friend. And, I guess this is all you need to survive, expect food. And, I think you don't need much things in life when you have this.

After school, me and Amy have decided that we are going out to chill. Well, it was not a mutual decision though. Anyways, so we were sitting in this cute cafe near our school, it was cosy and beautiful. Atleast it was not a bad decisions.

We took our seat in corner beside a window from where we get to see a beautiful view. Amy was talking about a boy she found cute who she saw somewhere, when a waiter, who looked liked he was of our age group came to take order and we placed our order.

"You know what he was looking at you. He is cute, right?" Amy said more to my surprise.
"No, he wasn't." I said to her.
"Yes, he was. I saw him staring at you and he is still staring at you. See!" Amy said in an excited tone. And I looked around still not believing her, and I caught him staring at me but he looked away the moment our eyes met.
"Hm, he is looking but maybe he has his own reasons." I said looking back at Amy. And before she could reply our order was placed in front of us.
"Yeah, but maybe he is interested in you." Amy said after our food was placed and the same waiter went back to his work.
"No, please Amy not again." I said with an annoyed tone.
"But, you still need....." Amy was intrupted when my phone started ringing.

I saw the caller ID and it was Asher. I picked it up.

"Hey." I said after answering the call.
"Hey, Lia. What's up?" He asked.
"I was just hanging out with my friend, Amelia." I replied.
"Oh, I just wanted to know about our tutor time and place." He said.
"Oh, yeah. So tell me when you are free and where it will be?" I asked him.
"I'm free today, I'm done with today's practice. So, I guess now is pretty good time and my place...only if it's okay with you." He said.
"Hm, but I don't know where your house is and I don't drive." I said in low embarrassed tone.
"That's not a problem. Tell me where are you and I'm gonna pick you up from there." He suggested.
"Hmm, okay but I still need half an hour." I said to him.
"Yeah, okay. So, after half an hour I will pick you up." He said and we hang up. I send him my current location.

"So was that your Asher?" Amy asked as I kept my phone away.
"He is not my Asher, Amy." I said with an eye roll.
"Ohh, so it was Asher. How is your tutor session going on so far?" She asked as if she don't know.
"You know it, he is not that bad Amy. All this time, he has been nothing but good. I would be lying if I said he is an asshole. I have realized that not everyone is the type of person, they appear to be." I said to her.
"So, you are saying.. he is not what he looks like." Amy said unsure.
"Yes, he is not Amy. Sometime people show that they are strong but inside they are just broken and sometime people show that they are happy but they are just as sad as anyone else. And as for him, I guess he just show that he is an asshole or a playboy but I think deep inside there is a soft part of him that no one sees because maybe they don't want to see it or maybe he don't want to show them." I said and looked at her.
"Do you like him?" She asked and I almost chocked my food.
"What? No!" I said with an horrified look.
"I just saw the part of him which I think is as good as others. People just misunderstood him and that's all." I continued.
"Hmm, I guess you are right." Amy said nodding her head.

We ate our food while talking or laughing about different stuff. We were talking about this new movie we wanted to watch when the cafe door open as the bell rang softly indicating that someone entered the cafe. I continued eating my cake but Amy stopped her blabbing to which I looked up and saw her looking behind me. I slowly turned and saw Asher standing looking at us.

Hello bubbles ❤️✨
Hope you like this part.
See you soon.

– Author/ 작

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