Part 19- blast from the past

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"There might be something..." you look over to Natasha with a look she knows all too well, you have a plan, a bad one.

"Well?" Tony questions, drawing out his words.

"More like someone" you keep eye contact with Nat, trying to somehow tell her your plan telepathically.

A few moments pass as you and Nat look at each other, suddenly her expression changes as it clicks in her head on what your hinting at, "no, no absolutely not" she leans in forward and lowers her voice, not that it matters, "that's a terrible idea" she hushes in a more whispered tone.

"What are we talking about here?" Tony questions after glancing between the pair of you.

You and Natasha hold each others gaze for a few moments, you break the gaze first and turn your head towards the rest of the group, "someone from our past, and individual who was particularly close with Dreykov, may even know exactly where to find him" you speak cautiously as Nat is still giving you 'bad idea' looks.

"Well...?" Tony presses, "how close was he with him and why would he help?" Steve speaks up.

You take in a deep breath, ignoring the glares Natasha is sending your way, "he was betrayed by Dreykov a couple years ago, and he's also... mine and Natasha's father"

The rooms seems to be stunned in silence, "I thought you widows didn't have any family" Tony said a little too harshly than he intended, "I mean, no offense" he adds, making an apologetic face.

You release a slight chuckle, "when the children were taken from their families to be implemented in the black widow program, they would send them to live with, adopted families if you like, me and Natasha lived with Alexei and Melena for 3 years in Ohio, as sisters before we were transferred into the red room"

A few 'ahs' are released in understanding.

"It's a bad idea y/n/n" Natasha speaks up, you smile widely as you turn towards her, "come on, family reunion" you give her a toothy smirk as she shakes her head.

You make your way back over towards the computer and begin to search through the data as Nat engages in conversation with the others.

After a few moments you straighten your stance as a Russian file pops up on the projector, "Alexei Alanovich Shostakov, also known as the red guardian" you press the space bar on the keyboard and a picture of a younger Alexei appears.

You continue your speech as the files flick through the right data, matching what you spoke about, "the first Soviet- Russian super soldier, first became a known associate of General Dreykov during his career in the Soviet armed forces" the screen flicks on a few photos of Alexei in his military uniform before continuing.

"Following the dissolution of the soviet union, in 1992, Shostakov was sent deep undercover in Ohio to infiltrate and destroy the hydra occupied North institute within shield. He remained a cover with Melina Vostokoff, Natasha and I as a young family"

You flick some pictures on the screen which were used 20 years ago as your cover, as well as the surviving photos and documents from the North institute in Ohio.

"So how do we find him?" Tony asks as the whole group turns to you, including Natasha, you smile and press another key on the laptop, "after destroying the institute in 1995, Shostakov returned to Dreykov, but he was eventually incarcerated by Dreykov in Seventh Circle Prison, located in Russia, after running his mouth about the Russian government, funnily enough"

You release a slight smile at the end of your sentence before closing the files and documents on the laptop, "so he's in prison" Tony clarifies.

"He is" you confirm.

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