1st day of school

18 1 0

Gabriella p.O.V

"Wake up Gabriella its time for school"my mom said as she walks around the bed.

Since I already took shower last night I didn't have to take shower this mourning so I just put on my shorts and peach shirt with peach sandals then for jewelry I put on diamond studs with pearch bracelet. I didn't bother putting makeup on ,unless I'm going to a party, then I just pulled my hair up in a bun.
When I got to my new school there was glare coming from people that looks like cheerleaders. As I was passing by I heard such things like 'slut' and alot of whilst from boys.

I just ignore them all and walked past them.

R u hur yet??

Yes where r u?

Best friend:
R u out or in side?

I'm in

Cum back out


So I walked back outside and there she was the only reason why I came to Maimi.

"Gabby" ambrey called
"Bre" I said

We ran to each other and give each other the biggest hug of each other life. When stop hugging and looked around there was wide eyes everywhere.

"I don't think anybody at this school ever witness a hug like that before" I whisper to Ambrey.

We just chuckled and went inside of the building.

"So I already have your schedule and it didn't match my classes so I changed everything to match my sche..." Before Ambrey could finish the door bust open and in walk 3 hot guys and I notice the first one was the hottest of them all. I was getting ready to walk up to them when a barbie went up to the first one and kissed his cheeks then whisper something in his ear, then he nodded and they disappear,and right then and there I known they was the school bad(hot) boys in the school that Ambrey was talking about.
___________________________________________ the school bell rings which mean end of the day which I was happy about until a barbie stepped in front of me.

"Excuse me"I said
"After I say something" barbie said.
"Ok spit it out" I said
"I want you to stay clear of Jacob he's mine and only mine, if I catch you talking or looking at him I will beat your ass" barbie said.

I chuckled then reply" who the fuck is Jacob for God sake its my first day here and don't fucken threaten me I will.."

"You will what" she cuts me off.

I dropped my things and punch her in the face then drop her and stomp on her face, and pulled her hair and gaved her my last warning "do not ever fucken threaten me again understood"

All she did was nod and ran holding her nose that was leaking blood.

When she left I picked up my stuff and then I heard people clapping that when I notice people was watching the fight and I became red as a tomato.

"Good job Gabby " ambrey said.
"Shut up" I said.
"So are you going to the party tonight"ambrey asked.
"Whose hosting it"I asked her.
"Um.."she started to say then stop.
"Ambrey Catherina Willson you better tell me now or when you are sleeping I'm going to cut off hour vocal cords"I said with the most serious face I could ever have with her. Her eyes widen a little before she huffed and smile.
"He's right behind you....good luck"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2015 ⏰

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