Chapter 8

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I sat down on a chair near Ray, we both talked while waiting for mom

"hey, Ray"


He hummed in reply

"something...feels off all of a sudden"

I said looking at the ground, Ray wrapped his arm around me

"don't worry, whatever happens, I'll always be by your side"

He said, i looked at him and nodded with a smile

"you're right, I'm glad you're my brother"

I said as he looked away making me laugh. After a while Phil decided to call for mom while me and Ray were still talking, what is she doing? Mom should be here by now then Ray and i looked at the side and there's mom but Krone wasn't with her

'that's...strange...where is sister?'

I stared at mom for a while and she just smiled at me..wait..did they..agree?! If yes then I'm relieved..Norman isn't going to be shipped out he'll stay here and escape with the others

               "thank you for this meal!"

*after eating*

Then, the plan began, Norman and Emma went to the gate while Ray distracts mom and Gilda, Don and i stayed at the house outside, we looked deep into the woods with a worried look, this is it, it's finally time, you can do it you two!

"please work out"

i heard Gilda say as i nodded

"i hope it will"

I said while clutching my fists, something really does feel off but i can't tell what is it..! I looked through the window

"there's no signal"

Don said

"i hope it goes smoothly"

Don added as my heart began to beat fast then i heard footsteps, the three of us turned around and saw mom,where's...Ray? Is he inside?! Mom walked passed us as i quickly ran inside the house to look for Ray


I called for him and then near sister's room, i heard banging so i ran there

"Ray! Are you there?"

I said knocking the door

"Y/n! I'm here help me get out of here as fast as possible!"

He yelled, i turned the door knob but the door won't open

"mom locked the door! Hurry up and find a key to open it"

I heard him say, mom has the key and i don't know where she puts all of the keys quick Y/n! Think! Wait..i got it! I took off a pin on my hair

"alright! I'll get you out of there"

I said putting the pin in the key hole

'I'll sacrifice myself just to Keep You Alive' | Norman x reader | TpnWhere stories live. Discover now