Chapter One.

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Elizabeth's heart was pounding, her head spinning, it had finally happened. The day she had been waiting for, hoping for, praying for. It was finally, finally here as the girl struggled hard to keep her composure.

In front of her was a tall ravenette that Elizabeth had become accustomed to working under, although that wasn't what was causing the feeling of elation in the girl at the moment. No, that was caused by what the older woman was doing. She was holding out a clipboard that had a list of five patients on it. Five of Elizabeth's patients.

The girl had been working here at this mental facility for two and a half weeks after freshly graduating college with a degree in psychology. Yet all she was given for her vigor, knowledge, and readiness for the field was coffee errands and other menial tasks that had been dished out by the very one standing in front of her.

For the first few days, the woman tried her best to stay positive, knowing soon she'd be recognized for her real position and then her work would start! But after two weeks.. Elizabeth had begun losing hope and patience that she'd ever get out of doing these grating tasks. Yet here she was, being assigned to her first patients that she'd do her best to help grow and change! Oh she could barely contain her excitement!

"Now, you'll be graded on your performance with these five to see if you're suitable for a... more long term position. Their illnesses and information have been written down here for you to look through. Including their schedule of activities for you to work your visits around. Do well, Elizabeth."

A fiery determination ever present in the girl's gaze, she nodded and replied just as eagerly to the older woman who didn't share the enthusiasm.

"I will, Ms Merlin! Thank you for giving me a chance."

The woman nodded in acknowledgment before going back to sipping the black coffee the girl had brought while the girl herself was walking fast to her first room.

Her heart wouldn't slow down, even as she forced the rest of her body to a stop in from of the door that held her group. She was going to wait a minute before going in to read the chart, that way she would know what tactics to use to do her best here!

"Okay... who's up first?"

Looking down and scanning through the first sheet of paper, she felt herself pale as she saw very little on it. Or on any of the others either.

"Wha...What? This is all their previous caregiver could get from them?"

She muttered to herself her musings as a habit she had yet to break, however as such, Merlin heard as she walked by and commented back on in. A twitch of a smirk on her smug face.

"Well, it's a bit hard to right notes when the patients themselves give you a mental breakdown. The last three we've assigned drove themselves mad trying to work with these five. However since you're so eager to get started, I figured perhaps you might be able to solve this dilemma. Unless you'd like to go back to your previous tasks for now and wait until we have some more... tame, patients come in for you?"

A small flare of anger came through Elizabeth as she gawked at the woman. She had done this on purpose! Why!?

After a moment, the girl had enough sense to shut her mouth hanging open before composing herself, sounding much more sure than she felt.

"No.. I will work with these people you have assigned to the best of my ability. It's my job to help after all."

The smug grin so small you could barely see it never wavered as the woman just nodded and walked off, leaving Elizabeth with a heart pounding from quite the opposite feeling that caused it before. Now it was a deep anxiousness that fueled her shaky body, rather than the happiness from before.

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