slenderman's daughter and Jacks girl part 2

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Authors note: warning this chapter contains smut and it is rough not for the faint of heart. I read and listened to people telling the original story of laughing jack and I noticed some things about him that I will highlight in this part. I hope you enjoy.

I follow my father further into the woods. it feels like we have been walking forever till we get to a clearing and then I see huge iron gates that automatically open when we walk up to them. I stare in awe at the gigantic mansion standing before me. In the distance inside the mansion i could hear fighting going on.

Looks like they are at it again. I'm sorry in advance for anyone in the mansion. i'm constantly breaking up fights, i'm sort of the caretaker/father figure to these group of misfits and killers. slenderman tells me as we enter the house. there is a little blowhorn on a little table in the entrance. Slenderman picks it up and blares it. I'm guessing he is calling everyone. we walk into the living room where a whole bunch of different looking people are. Everyone is arguing with each other about whats going on blaming each other for stuff. My father is about to get there attention but I touch his shoulder.

I want to do it, its been so long since I've scared someone. I tell him with a smile on my face. he nods his head and I step into view. I use the shadows and make everything shift I then grow really tall like slenderman does and tentacles come out. Everyone stops and looks up at me with surprise and slight horror. I lower myself a little and retract my tentacles and smile at them with a twisted smirk.

"Hi i'm y/n I am slenderman's daughter. I hope you will be nice to me, I would hate to have to do something. I've never killed anyone but that's because I prefer being nice and sweet. However I wont hesistate to drive any of you crazy. i'm just like my father just more human qualities, I had enough of my mother hurting me so I got the information I needed from her drove her crazy and left." I finish and look down that's the most I've said in front of a lot of people. i'm just not a social person.

Alright everyone like she said she is my daughter. honestly I just found out not to long ago. if she wants to tell the story she can I wont mainly because I don't want to. she will have her own room here. if she wants to kill she can if not that's fine too. She is my daughter so she is staying here. And I will only say this once no one goes near my daughter with ill intention or I will make you suffer a fate worse than death. he gets threating at the end and honestly i'm impressed. ive looked him up and he has a scary and creepy reputation. at that everyone scatters and leaves me and slender and another tall lanky person/thing. I looked at him and noticed he was black and white, well not quite that more drained of color cause his clothes had different hues of black and white. he had feathers on his shoulders bandages on his and waist and his face had a wide smile with his head cocked to the side with a pointy cone nose and longish black hair. He was different honestly I've never seen someone like this before.

Laughing Jack can you take y/n on a tour and to her room. my father told him and walked away. so his name is laughing jack. why do they call him laughing jack? before I could ask he starts laughing a cold empty laugh as he stares at me with empty eyes.

"hehe i'm laughing jack but you can call me jack. I loved your introduction, it was thrilling" He said and as he talked his eyes came back to life briefly but then dulled again. "follow me and I'll show you around gumdrop" he said sticking a lollipop in his mouth.

"Do you want a lollipop?" he asked as he held out his hand and opened his claws to reveal a purple lollipop your favorite color. I furrow my eyebrows at this wondering how he knew, but I nodded my head and took the lollipop unwrapping it and sucking on it. as we walked and he showed me the different rooms I enjoyed the lollipop sucking and licking it. I however didn't notice that jack was watching me with interest almost enjoying how I licked the lollipop. He furrowed his eye brows not sure what happened but he shook his head and showed her to her room.

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