When he became cursed

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[October 29th, 1890-]

[Monsters are some what rare to humans, vampires, werewolves, hybrids or even witches. It just feels like when it's the full moon, it gives them power.]

Teacher: Hey, Valentino, wake up

Valentino: Oh... Sorry, Ma'am.

Teacher: Valentino, you need to behave more, stop bullying everyone for once.

Valentino: Alright, Ma'am. I will.

Teacher: Alright, it's 6:30pm, get yourself home

[As the Valentino left the room, he knew what he had done. Behavior is certainly not his best. He even thinks about recent death changes or anything that is on his mind]

Valentino: To be honest I don't like my teacher, f**king fatass.

[The boy walks home as his house is 10 blocks away. As his parents are always busy with anything they can do.

His sister, Valentina, runs up to her brother and gives him a hug. They are close, but really they do like to tease each other]

Valentina: What did you get detention for, you freak?

Val: Shut up, I was beating someone's ass in the bathroom, thats why I had to stay so late. By the way, where's Valiente?

Valentina: he went to sleep. He was tired from running all day

Valentino: Oh, what did he make?

Valentina: spaghetti and salad, he already ate, so he is fine. I already ate, you can serve yourself if you want. Or are you not hungry?

Valentino: I haven't ate in a day, so I'll eat.... yeah I'll eat. Thanks.

Valentina: No problem, goodnight Val.

Val: Night.

Mom: Val, whatever your doing has to stop. You 3 triplets are in the 6th grade and are 12, and your already beating up people? Keep doing that and your grounded.

Valentino: I won't, Mother, I promise. Guess she's right.... I'm just gonna sneak out to the forest on 31st. I do not know why though.

[It was his big mistake]

[October 31st, 1890, around midnight]

[It was the day of Halloween, the kids in the neighborhood were trick or treating. Valentino thought this would be good as it can. But it turns out... he was wrong]

Valentino: I'm not gonna listen to her anyways, are you with me, Valentina?

Valentina: Ehh, Mom's kinda right. Just stop for once.

Valentino: Pff, your such a bozo.

Valentina:  Shut up.

[As they walked through the forest, soon later, sounds would be heard from the surroundings]

Valentina: What was that?

Val: ...What was what?

Valentina: I heard something... over there-...

Valentino: .... I dont see anything over- the bush is moving. Its, its a-

[Soon, it was a grizzly bear, chasing after them]

Both: BEAAR!

Valiente: RUN GUYS!

[Valentina will regret of what she had done. And Valentino... will be one of those creatures]

Valentino: Ow! Valentina


Valentino: what?

[The bear comes, but it was soon too late]

Valentino: NOO!

To be continued

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