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[June 25th, 2003]

[While Walking]

Danielle: Thanks for saving me, Ivan. I appreciate it. *smiles*

Ivan: 😳. Uhh-... Your welcome. *mind* I never thought she would like me back, but she does. She's very generous 🥴.

Max: Ivan, you alright?

Jenson: IVAN, WAKE UP.

Ivan: What- I- Uh.

Carla: Stop Daydreaming, you asshole

Ivan: Oh, shut up.

Danielle: Guys... Enough. Ivan, you doing alright.

Ivan: Uh yeah. I am. I'm fine ok.

Angela: Look... The portal home... WE ARE FINALLY GONNA GET HOME. 🥳

Danielle: And Charlotte and Damien are coming with us too so... Make them feel welcome.

Damien: Thank you, Danielle.


Charlotte: Wait- Where does this lead to? I'm just curious because we live in Canada.

Danielle:... So do we. We all do.

Ivan: I can't wait.

[Everyone jumps in]

Danielle: Ah ah ahh. Don't jump in yet, Ivan. One more thing.

Ivan: What-

[They kiss again]

Danielle: Ok, come on now.

Ivan:... I love my life right now.

[They jump in]


[Back home]

Charlotte: Were finally home.

Damien: We'll see you guys later. Thanks so much for saving us. Bye now.

All: Bye.

Danielle: Lets all go home. Ivan, you go with me since you and I live close.

[They hold hands and walk home]

Angela: How long will they last?

Joshua: As long as they can.

[2 years later, and they are both 15]

[June 25th, 2005]

[They been dating for a while now and they have never broken up]

Danielle: Do you think that Valentino is gone?

Ivan: I don't know, Danielle. But I hope he's gone so he won't get you every again. Let's hope he's gone for sure.

Danielle: I hope he is... His siblings would never, wanted this for him. Its just... sad, you know.

Ivan: Dan, you don't have to worry about him. I'll cross my heart to make sure he's gone... gone for good. I love you, Danielle. No matter how much.

Danielle: I love you too, Ivan. I'm just so happy you and I have each other... Ivan, let's go to your house.

Ivan: Fine by me.

[They arrive to his house, his parents aren't home]

Danielle: Where... are your parents?

Ivan: They said they would be out for 2 months. I know how to take care of myself. I'm there only child.

Danielle: Oh, what's your room like?

Danielle: Oh, what's your room like?

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Danielle: Not bad. Looks so aesthetic and red. I like it :).

[Ivan gets dirty minded]

Ivan: Hey, Dan.

Danielle: Yeah?

[He kisses her]

[Danielle pushes him on the bed]

[They make out]

[He slowly starts to take off her clothes]


[30 minutes later]

[They wake up]

Danielle: Well, that was fun. More fun then ever.

Ivan: I liked it more than anything. Again sometime?

Danielle: Yes... Maybe we can when your parents are out of the country.

Ivan: Perfect. Come on its 6:30pm. I have to take you home.

Danielle: But I wanna stay with you-

Ivan: Not right now.

Danielle: Fine. [She dresses herself] Bye, Ivan.

Ivan: Cya, Danny.

[7 minutes later she arrives home]

Mom: Danielle, Where were you?

Danielle: I was at Ivan's house.

Dad: Good. Because you know, he always has your back.

Mom: We are accepting him in your future.

Danielle: *GASPS* Really. YES.

Dad: Go get some rest. You look exhausted.

Danielle: Night, Mom and Dad.

Mom: I'm wondering what is there secret. Since they haven't broken up in 2 years now.

Dad: Now, let's go get rest.

To be continued

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