When all else fails

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"Link start!" Phillis yells after pulling his nerve gear on and lied down on his covers.

Instantly, the world flashed white and long pillars of all colours dashed towards him. Thy stretched for ages, until they came to an end, and the white faded into colour, and phill found his friends sitting at a bench.

"Ahh, Phillis, you made it." Tye called to the others.
"Hey Phillis." Sora called after.

"We checked out the entrance, it's safe and no one is there, just as we hoped." Sora informed me.
"Ok, thank you sora." I said, and we walked to the floor 2 boss entrance.

The light fades and shadows from huge walls towering us. A maze revealed, pushing through the dark, and we stuck together and took the right path.

It grew colder the deeper we walked. A tall gate revealed itself and we walked up to it. "Ok everyone, equip your weapons." I told everyone as we were in front of the gate.

I swiped my left had down and a menu appeared. I clicked the inventory icon and my items showed up. I scrolled down with my finger and found my 'Skyduster', I clicked equip and my sword landed in my hands.

Sora and Tye had their pick and we all got into attacking position. I looked at the others, finding them ready, so I touched the gate with a delicate cold hand. The doors slowly opened, and we waited there watching.

The doors fully opened and we ran in, looking at our surrounding and being cautious of any danger. We ran in a triangle, Sora at the back left, Tye on the right, and me at the front. we ran to the middle of the room, and the doors closed behind us. Our hearts pumping, we were ready for battle.

The chandeliers hanging from the room lit up orange, and we saw a huge figure leak from the ground, and stand. It had a birds head, but a scorpions body, it had two health bars, and its name was 'Morok the Flame King'.

It charged at us and we were too started by its appearance and forgot to dodge, and it hit us. Tye fell and dropped his weapon, but Sora and I kept out balance. All our health bars flew down to 50|100, amazing us.

"He's too strong!" Tye yelled, trying to stand. "We have to run!"

"But the doors are closed!" Sora yelled back.

I turned to see Tye wide-eyed staring behind me and I realised Morok was behind me. His gaze was to the left of me, meaning he was about to strike my left. So I ducked and rolled o my right, jut dodging his attack.

"Tye is right, there's nothing we can do, but allow ourselves to die." I told Sora, who was trying to find a solution.
"Sora look out!" Tye yelled, just before Morko's claw ripped her in two.

Tye and I stood in fear as we could do nothing but watch blue shards of glass fly everywhere Sora was standing. Morok swung at me and Tye and we were both taken out.

We awoke after two minutes, standing at the nearest teleportation alter.

"What a bummer, he's really strong." Exclaimed Tye.

"Yes, we're going to need more people."

"You, you mean like a guild?" Sora joined in.

After hearing Sora, I took the thought of making a guild. It would cost a lot, for more people and the guild itself, but I guess we could do some side quests to earn more money.

"Yes, like a guild." I reply. Saying that, I don't regret it, I feel more confident.

"Dude.. thats, a lot to take in. Are you sure about that..?"

"A few side quests, and a good ad should intrigue players." I respond, sounding like I know what I'm doing.


A hack and slash and the Dark Elf was down, and shattered into a million glass shards. We were on a side quest, about 27 minutes on, helping an NPC with destroying the evil elves that once spread terror in their village.

"I know this is just a game, but I'm starting to feel sorry for the enemies.." Sora noted after defeating the Elf Army that spawned on a hill after talking to the elf NPC.

The weird this is, after defeating the Army, a Congratulations sign appeared, as if we defeated a boss. It was probably what all side quests have at the ending.

We all looked at our awards and we received 1000 col each.

"Whoa, 1000 col!? That will last us a life time!" Tye yelled.

"Are you complaining Tye?" I joked.


We all opened our inventory to sell our currency to Sora, the one we voted most trust worth to hold our col to buy a guild. We were still deciding on a name though.

Tye decided a 'cool' guild name was 'The Knights of the Blood Oath', which sounded ridiculous to me. Sora wanted 'Green Terror' and instantly that sounded decent to me. I wasn't sure what yet, but we didn't need to decide yet.

I saw my col, and was about to click it, but I saw a new item hiding at the top of my list of items. A secret new item, but how? No new items appeared in any congratulations sign, and how could I have missed it? Maybe a minor glitch, yes, that's what it is.

'Tattered Lights Bane', I like the sound of it, but we needed our guild first. I traded my 1100 col to Sora, and an idea popped into my head.

"Knights of the Green Terror.." I said.

"PERFECT!" Sora and Tye said together.

"How did you come up with that idea?" Tye asked.

"I combined Sora and your ideas together, hoping you two would like it."

"Now all we need," Sora said, "is some people."

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