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Floor 1 | Boss Room | East Forest

I thought we would find more people for our guild on floor 2, so we had to defeat the boss. Last try, I figured out its tactics, its patterns. It swipes twice, then lunges. Another swipe then it's venerable, so we plant our attacks then.

The door opened and we walked in. Colour flooded the room of a dark, dull grey as soon as we set foot in the arena. The bosses eyes lit up an evil green, and crawled over to us. Our triangular form detached as the plan was constructed.

The first two swipes went for Sora and Tye, then the lunge for me. Tye regained balance and hacked and slashed with his blade. As Sora stayed by his side. The fourth slash went straight for Tye, knocking him back to land on Sora.

I lunged in and struck with my Lights Bane, and the last health bar changed red. Two more swipes and a lunge, then another swipe knocked me down, but I got back up.

We all attacked in as one, and the last health bar shrunk to nothing. The boss was dead.

A huge Congratulations sign appeared above us all and we cheered.
• Exp - 258
• col - 803

Nothing special that time, but at least we cleared the floor!

"Whoa.." Sora called to us. "Royal.. Cutlas."

"A rare drop?" Tye asked.

"I have no idea, did you guys get anything good?" Sora asked.


"Nope" Tye and I answered.

Sora opened her menu and selected her Cutlas. A faded blue sword with a fancy guard appeared, and sora sliced the air with it.

"Amazing.." Tye said.

We walked over to the teleported in the boss room after inspecting the cutals, and we all pulled out our teleporting crystals.

"Floor 2, Garden of souls."

We chanted all together, and we were teleported to the second floor. Ever so slowly advancing.


Knights of the Green Terror

Hung above the door to the inn. Floor 2 was beautiful in some sections, others, not so great.

5000 col for a guild. Not too much, compared to what we have now. After trading all our col to Sora once again, we had a total of 4027 col. 973 col is what we needed.

Sora was swinging her Cutlas again, getting a good feeling of her new friend, Tye was trying to 'pick up girls' as he called it, while I was doing some side quests.

I walked through one of the unpleasant parts of this floor, and saw an NPC, lost in the woods. I walked over to them, and a sign appeared:

The Lost Importance.
Do you accept to take this side quest?
• Yes. • No.

I clicked yes, and the NPC turned to me. To be honest, I always thought an NPC would run away, and purposely ruin the quest, but that's just me.

"Please, you have to help me. I was hunting for Boars and I came across another player. They told me to wait here and he never came back."

Is it just me, or do they tell really good stories? Without a doubt, it sounded pretty dangerous. So I said yes, and she stuck to my side.

"Take me to the village." she ordered.

So I walked to the village, and started to wander. If a player had told her to wait, why was it a side quest to bring her back? It startled me for ages, and I could never find the answer.

Before I knew it, we were back at he inn, and the NPC tapped me on the arm. I turned to her and she thanked me, then walked into the village.

• Exp - 52
• Col - 900

900 col for a side quest? Things are getting strange now. But I didn't turn it down, and walked into the inn and found Sora.

"A side quest rewarded me 900 col, is that strange to you?" I ask.

"Strange, but at least we got a huge step closer to our guild!" She wasn't complaining, she accepted it like it happens to her every day.

Tye came over after hearing her excitement, and asked what was happening.

"Phill gained 900 col from a side quest, now all we need is 73 col." Sora informed.

"Well, actually.." Tye began, "one of the girls over there lent me 100 col, I think she's digging me."

"Oh don't be stupid Tye. Just trade Sora the col."

So Tye and I traded sora our col, and we could finally make our guild with 27 col left. Sora walked over to the guild creator desk and a screen appeared.

Guild creator. Would you like to create a guild?

Sora clicked yes.

Guild name:

Sora brung a keyboard up and typed Knights of the Green Terror.

Is: Knights of the Green Terror, correct?

Obviously it was.

So Sora completed the payment and a guild was created.

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