Chapter 1

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I yawned as I felt Mike shaking me. "Its time to wake up" he said lazily.

Me and him were omegas along with most females and some males.

Omegas and alphas were separated, so accidents dont happen.

Mike is 12, the oldest and well, hasnt been shipped out. Yes I know all about the demons and such. Mike probably hasnt been shipped out because he isnt normal is the light way to put this.

Mike helped everyone with there shoes, soon getting up as gilda also helped with there shirts.

I slowly got out of the omega courters and started to walk down the hall.

Mike was very popular with the younger alphas and omegas, most likely because hes the oldest.

Mike perked up when he saw the alphas come out, kids immediately surrounding him, pushing me and gilda torwards the older kids.

Mike sighed and went into the dining room, every kid clinging onto him as if he was the mom of the house. I mean, he acts like one.

I looked up at Norman, Ray, and Emma who all were alphas. I took note gilda bringing Don into the kitchen to cook.

"Morning guys" I said. Emma finally took notice of me and hugged me, rubbing his cheek on mine. "Morning (m/n)! You look as tired as ever!" He cheerfully said.

Norman and Ray smiled slightly at me and said good morning.

Ray looked over at Mike, seeing as he was being swamped with children, phil on his shoulders and donny holding his hand. "I see Mike isnt going to be able to play today either" ray commented.

"Yeah" I said. Mike and Ray shared the same birthday, so naturally they grew close in a brother sense. If Mike had a crush, he didnt show it or plan on confessing.

After breakfast and testing, we went outside to play. Don wanted Mike to be it and tag all of us.

Mike sighed but smiled "sure" he said, waiting for ray to say it was time to start as we all ran.

Mike never actually showed his emotion, or he couldnt show his emotion.

Mike easily found the kids, sending them back within the first minute. Mike didnt run, he hated running. Mike looked around, looking up at Emma.

He yawned seeming like he didnt want to climb the tree, so he lured the other out of the tree, by 'tripping' on a root and landing face first into dirt.

Emma gasped and hopped down, he went to Mike to help, I could also see Norman hop down and go to help him as well. Mike tagged both of them with a 'smile' "got you" he said.

Emma huffed and puffed as he ran back with norman who laughed.

If only they knew what Mike actually was.

I hid in my tree, covering my mouth. I heard Mike let out a long sigh as he took his shirt off, his body growing in size as eyes snapped open down his neck. Horns penetrated through his head, curling back.

Mike huffed and drooled, if he caught me, it was death. He knew I knew what he was. So everytime we play, it's always to the death between us, unless I make it back to the others.

I jumped from tree to tree, Mike chasing me.once I got to the entrance of the forest how ever, he stopped and slowly turned back human, scowling at me.

He put his shirt back on then came back, walking to the others.

Mother isnt the only one we need to worry about.

I'm pretty sure Ray knows, but Mike can tell when anyone is acting or lying.

I stared at the children who grouped around that... thing... hugging him and smiling at him.

I felt someone touch my hand, when I saw it was Ray, I sat next to him.

"I know what your thinking. But we have to keep acting. If he knows I know, hell start getting rid of us while we sleep. I'm more worried for you.. you have to share a room with him." He whispered.

I nodded "he stares at me the entire time I'm supposed to sleep. I cant sleep like this, I'm going to pass out tonight, I've stayed awake for 4 days. I need sleep" I whispered back.

Ray nodded and looked worried.

"After you loose Mike or ditch him to the children, meet me in the library after conny is shipped out. Emma and Norman will know by then, we can get them in the library to and well discuss what to do" he whispered.

I nodded but was soon pushed into Ray, my face smashing into his chest as I ended up fully on him, emma on my back. He had went to hug me but I suppose he didnt know Ray was here as well.

Ray blushed as emma didnt seem to mind.

Norman chuckled at the seen, sitting with them. I want to sleep...

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