Chapter 1

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I was currently cramming for my English exam when Stella, one of my friends,  suddenly sat next to me with a huge smile on her face. She was like a little girl who finally got some candy.

"Miaaaa!" She shrieks.

"What?" I asked.  I knew that whatever she was going to tell me would be a big one because of her facial expression.

She didn't reply. She just handed me a piece of paper. It look like an expensive type of paper. So it definetely was something good. I opened the paper and it was an invitation to a party. It read:

Hey there! You are invited to the most ANTICIPATED party of the year!

It's Marc's birthday so you know it's going to be an awesome one.

The party will be at Castle Point at exactly 8pm. Be there for a party of your life.

I am not the kind of girl that likes to party or hang out with guys I barely know, the guys I hang our with are either my cousins or my closest guy friends.

"Yeah, you should go. It could be fun." I said to Stella. She likes to go to these types of events. I don't know why she even bothered to show me this.

"It is fun! Actually Marc and some of his friends are studying here at the same school with us only he's a senior. What are the odds right?! I personally met him when my cousin threw a party last month. Come on, come with me please?" She's giving me the puppy dog eyes because she knows I can't resist them. I sigh and reply, "Fine. But I need to bring Heather with me."

Tonught is the night of the party and I don't know if I should be excited or not. This is my first party my whole life. I need this to be memorable. Only I don't know what to expect.

My parents are currently flying over to L. A.  to do some bussiness so they don't even know that I'm going to a party. They're always away anyway so why bother asking permission?

Heather came to my house an hour ago and were coming up with our outifits for our party. It took us about two hours to get ready and we drove off to the venue.

We couldn't really get in without an invitation so we asked Stella for help. And once we were inside I couldn't believe what I'm seeing.

There were so many people dancing or drinking or smoking. Now, this is a party. We made our way to the bar when Stella said. "You guys wait here while I go find Marc." Before I could even reply she was walking away.

Stella was taking too long so Heather and I instantly got bored. Suddenly, someone tapped my shoulder. I turned to see that it was the bartender guy.

"You ladies want some drinks?" He smiled. He is one charming guy. Heather and I looked at each other, smiled, and we replied "Sure!" He went to the other side of the bar and prepared our drinks then came back with two pink drinks. He handed them to us and we clinked our glasses. "To our first party!" Heather cheered.

Heather and I ended up having seven drinks each before Stella came back with three guys with him.

"You guys sure look like you're having fun!" She beamed.

"We sure are!" Heather cheered and drinked some more.

"By the way this is Marc, the birthday celebrant. And this is Lorenz and Joshua." He pointed the guys. I instantly recognized Marc. He has blonde hair and dark eyes. For short,  he's handsome. He is one of the basketball guys in school. I know because I saw him one time with a basketball outfit. Now I realize the reason why I don't remember him it's because he's a sporty guy and I am not interested with the sports activities of the school.

"You guys want to come with us up to the room upstairs? We can get to know each other without all this noise." He yelled to my ear because of the loud music around us. I was starting to feel a bit tipsy so I just nodded in reply. Next thing I know were following them up the stairs. I have a feeling deep inside that this might be a bad idea. I mean I don't really know these guys yet here I am following them to a private room. But I ignored it and just thought that I am here to have fun. I grabbed Heather's hand to get my mind off what's happening.
The room is a wide blue room with limited lighting. There a table and a few sofas on one side and a television on the other. We sit on the sofas with Heather on my right and the guy Joshua to my left. We were all circled up with two towers of alcohol and shot glasses on the table.

"Let's get this party started!" Marc cheered and the television started playing music.

So the drinking started and the dancing too. Now I was really drunk and I decided to stop taking shots for a while because I feel like throwing up. So I head for the bathroom, when I got there the vomit started coming out. Then someone gathered my hair and tied it to a ponytail. When I look up it was Joshua.

"Hey, are you okay?" He leaned closer and helped me stand up.

"Yeah. I'm fine. It's just my first time that's all." I forced a smile to reassure him.

"You know what. I like you." He smiled and held me tighter on my hips. What the hell is saying? I can't really process what's happening because my mind is drifting off to different places.

The air inside the bathroom started to heat up and I just realized that the door was shut so it was just the two of us in here. He was looking straight at my eyes with a serious look and I can't help but be mesmerized with his dark eyes.

"No you don't. You just met me." I giggled. We were getting closer because I can't really balance myself.

"Don't believe me? I'll prove it." And in an instant his lips was pressed to mine. Our tongues playing with each other. I know this isn't right but it feels right.

Things got more heated up when he started  to place his hands on my back and on my thighs, his hands were getting near my center and it just made me want to kiss him more. I can't help but moan and grunt whenever he touches me.

I started grabbing his hair to release the feeling I have right now. I feel so sexually into him. My hands made it's way to his neck and on his chest. He moans and presses his body into mine. I don't really know what's gotten in to me but my hand touches his groin and I instantly feel it bulging and harden. I gasp and kiss him deeply and he returns it by starting to kiss me on my neck.

"Come on baby, give it to me" He grunts. We both started sweating but we don't stop.  We just can't contain it. He leads me to lean on the wall and grabs both of my legs to wrap it on his waist. I can feel yet again his groin pressed deeply on my center. I can't help but tilt my head back.

He groans as he press our bodies together and grunts, "Why don't we continue this on bed?" He smiled.

"Uhhh, I don't know about that." I shyly reply.

"C'mon, don't worry I got protection." He fixes my hair and my clothes then fixes his own. He held my hand and we went outside. Once we were back on the room Stella and Marc are dancing. When I find Heather he was making out with Lorenz. They were getting intense I can tell because they were getting louder.

I suddenly feel dizzy so I let go of Joshua's hand and sat down. Once I sat down, I can really see nothing except the room twisting and turning. I can somehow see Joshua sit beside me and saying something I couldn't quite hear.

Next thing I know, it was dark.

Hi guys!! So this is my first story that i really took seriously so i hope you guys support this by voting it. I would also appreciate you sharing this story to others because i really want this story to be a successful one. You guys can also comment your thoughts or suggestions to the story. I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP GUYS. AND I PROMISE TO MAKE THIS STORY INTERESTING AND GREAT AS MUCH AS I CAN. ILY GUYS SO MUCH XX


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