Chapter 2

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Heather's POV

The next day

I was awaken by a massive headache. When I try to open my eyes, I immediately closed them because there was just too much light. God, where am I by the way? When I open my eyes again, I'm surprised to see that I am in my room. At home. How did I end up here? I scan the room and it's so messy it looks like a homeless person discovered a room for the first time.

Wait, where's Mia? Shit!

I quickly get off the bed and head straight to the bathroom. And there she was. Lying on my bath tub. She looks like shit. I know I'm her bestfriend and all but her make up looks like half goth half clown and her hair is so messed up I think it even has some chips inside it. I decide I should wake her up but she's the type of person that takes hours before you can wake her up. So I decided to pour water on her. Her reaction was pricless.

"What the hell, Heather?! God, my head hurts and that water is fucking cold!" She yelled. I can't help but laugh because her make up just got worse. She's so lucky to have a best friend like me.

"You better look at yourself first before you complain," I say confidently. She gave me a nervous look and quickly went to the mirror above the sink. When she sees her horrible make up she immediately screams different curse words that I am not quite sure some of them were words. After a few minutes she finally calmed down.

"You okay now?" I giggled. It was so unlike her to freak out like that but I understand why.

"Yes. I look like someone who was supposed to be an emo but ended up like a clown." She laughs. But then her face changed like she remembered something. Finally she asked, "What the hell happened last night?"

Last night was such a blur but I could remember bits of it. There was so much to tell Mia and I decided to tell her while having breakfast because I am famished.

"Let's get breakfast then I'll fill you in."


I made bacon and eggs while Mia made juice and set the table. We sat next to each other while eating breakfast. There was an awkward silence in the air, it's kind of tense. I know she wanted to know what happened I just don't know how to tell it.

"So... Last night." I start off.

"What happened after I passed out? I saw you and Lorenz." She murmurs.

I sigh. I knew that she saw me because it was before she passed out. I quickly gathered my thoughts on what happened with me and Lorenz. Finally I replied.

"What happened with Lorenz was an accident. We were both really drunk at that time and it was just us on the couch so we were kinda stuck with each other. We were having a good time then we had that moment where our eyes just met, I know it sounds gross but that's what happened. What about you and Joshua? You two were taking too long in the bathroom." I grin.

"We made out too. Can't believe that even happened. It was so intense and... Hot." I immediately slap myself in my mind because I used the word hot to describe what happened. Uggh. But I still continued.

"I was puking my heart out on the toilet when he came in and helped me with my hair. All I could think was how disgusting that moment was. Then I don't really know how but we kissed and we didn't stop. Things got pretty intense and we just continued. I.... I can't deny that I liked what happened. That was my first kiss."

When I look at Heather, she was giggling. I started giggling because here I am a 15 year old girl and I just got my first kiss drunk with a guy who I recently met. What a story.

"Well, this is definetely a story we should tell our children." Heather jokes.

"Yeah. How their "cool moms" got kissed by drunk dudes. Ha. Ha." I replied.

We continued to talk about the night and I suddenly remembered the person who invited us to that party. Stella.

"Hey, have you heard from Stella?" I asked Heather.

"Oh right Stella! I haven't called her since last night. Why?"

"We need to talk to her about what other things happened. God knows what things we did when we were in cloud nine."

It took about ten voice mails before Stella called us back. We said we would meet her at Starbucks today to know more about last night.


It was 4:47 pm. Heather and I were at Starbucks waiting for Stella to come. We already finished our 2 fraps and called her about fifteen times. We were both starting to get bored.

But as when we were about to leave, Stella stumbles into the caffe. She's panting when she found us. It looks like she did some running.

"H-Hey guys. Sorry.... I'm.. Late. The car decided... To be a... Bitch." She was out of breath.

"Take it easy, here have a seat." I offered her the chair next to mine. She sat down and fixed her hair because it looked like a blizzard passed by. When she's done, I finally asked.

"Do you remember all the things that happened last night?"

She smiles. "Of course dear! You ladies sure had fun. Maybe more than fun." She winks and laughs. I knew what she was talking about.

"Yeah, Mia and I got our first kisses! What an achievement!" She jokes and laughs. We all laughed because we were those kind of teens that was so virgin to all things.

"Well you had many achievements last night. You finally learned to let go and just have fun! Wanna do it again?" She cheers.

"Sure!" Heather and I said at the same time.

But at the back of my mind I can't help but feel like this is a bad thing were getting into.




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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2015 ⏰

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