The Halloween Man

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"Billie-Joe! Nice to see you, man!" One of Billie's friends, Johnny waved.

"Hey, Johnny!" Billie replied. "Can I ask you a favour?".

"Sure, what is it?" Johnny asked.

"We need an idea...for a prank."

"For Halloween?"

"Yup. This Halloween. We need something that will scare the fuck out of the little kids".

"Hmmm. I think I have the thing you need" Johnny said. He handed Billie a noose.

"...why do I need a noose?" Billie asked, taking it from him.

"Don't worry, it's made to be safe." Johnny assured.

"So whats the prank?"

"Just pretend to be hung..." He said.

" want Billie to hang himself?" Mike asked. "Isn't that risky?".

"It's been done before. Sure, it is risky, but it's safe." Johnny said "All you have to do it hook it up and pretend that you're dead, and when little kids walk pass, scare the fuck out if them!".

"Well, if it's safe..." Billie said. Mike cut him off.

"C'mon Beej, I'm not sure about this. What if something goes wrong? Then what will we do?" Mike asked. He looked worried for his friend. They'd being friends for so long now, and the thought of Billie being in danger scared Mike.

"Mike!" Billie sighed "C'mon Man! I'll be fine! Plus, it's safe!".

"But Billie-"

"Please Mike?" Billie begged "Please?". Mike sighed. "Fine Billie..." Mike finally said. Billie smiled. "Thanks Mike!".

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