chapter 3 december/winter

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He put his cabin back in one piece and follows the bandits foot prints they lead him to a cave with bear head hanging from the front he waits by the entrance till the people come out 3 people walk out its a family 1 adult 2 children 2 girls about his age an 1 man about his mom's he offers them a place to stay an food he makes friends an he teaches them how to hunt fish an live off the land so wont have to steal anymore. One day one of the girls go missing an can not be found an its to cold for anyone to be alone now that it's winter so they go out looking for her to find her hanging from a tree with a note stabbed into her chest that reads run while u still can but this boy is fearless an goes into town to buy steel traps an sets them around his house an he sends the man an his last daughter to live in a hotel while he trys to catch the murderer he is unsuccessful he keeps trying an eventually 2 years pass an then he quits an he feels bad so he starts to make a Memorial an he grieves like her family did their was alot of tears an even more carving an making stuff because he decides it's better to live in town. He makes a wagon but has nothing to pull it. He makes a trap that keeps animals alive wen they get stuck he captures a moose an loads his wagon with all of his hides an tools an money then he ties the moose to the wagon it shall be his transport eventually he makes it to town an it turns out that everybody is surprised he pretty much tamed a moose.he then moves back in with his mom an siblings he pays off the land tax an tells the family story's about wat happened while he was in the woods

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2022 ⏰

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