chapter 2 November

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The saplings are dry an an the tips are in tight he decides to go hunting he comes across a rabbit burrow he sets a trap above it an goes on looking for bigger game he comes across a herd of deer an aims for the biggest one he hits it dead on in the heart it drops the rest take off in different directions he pulls the buck back to his camp an skin's it an hangs up the hide to dry because it's almost winter. He goes an checks his trap to see if he got the rabbit he did he hangs the rabbit in his camp an decides to make his lean to in to into a little cabin because he dont want his meat outside so he cuts more logs an stacks them together an sticks mud in the creaces an crevises so the air dont get in an blow out his fire he digs a whole an puts leaves in it be cause thats where he will put his meat. He goes out an grabs more saplings to make small game arrows so he can sell the hide an buy a musket so he can take down his prey faster and every once in awhile he'll leave money at his mother's door step so she can pay land taxes an keep food on the table for his siblings. he goes back to his camp to only find that it's been ransacked by bandits

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