The Book

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I had to get away.

I left to a small town in the desert where I knew a friend lived at.

I was there for about three days now. My friend and I sat down at her coffee table talking, catching up. From behind her I noticed something swiftly pass the doorway with a large cloak over it. I'm shaken up by it but think nothing of after a while.

Later on that night as I'm getting ready to lay down, it pounced at me from no where and attacks me, biting me on my wrist and right below my collarbone.

I go to my friend the next morning and I tell her about it screaming
"It literally bit my chest and my wrist look at this!!!" I show her the marks that I have from the previous attack as I'm in a panicked state.

He comes by again, same time as the night before, this time not attacking me but simply stopped in it's place.

"Where is it?" to which I replied,

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"The book, I know you have the book because why else would I be here?"

I showed him the little book that I had been holding onto since I got here and he tries to snatch it out of my hand.

"Why do you need the book?"

"It isn't yours so why do you?" He replies with a snarky attitude.

"First of all I don't even know what you are, so why do you want the book?!" I scream back.

"I need to return it to its rightful owner so give it up already."

I think about it for a second but nod no, "nope, have fun trying to get it back because I'm not going to just give it up."

He gives me an angry look before vanishing.

The visits continue weekly as he tries to get the book back. To his dismay, nothing.

Eventually, I find myself laying in bed one night and suddenly feel the other side of the bed dip. I look to my left and see him just laying there but for some reason he didn't try to take the book but instead tried talking to me. He talked to me about anything and everything but the book and in all honesty, it was nice. We got along so well and we had so much more in common than I would've thought but then it hit me, if this guy isn't human then he's just playing the part for what he wants. At this point, I start to become a bit scared. The book is right under my body as I'm laying on it and I know if he knows this, sooner or later he's going to grab it.

Unfortunately, sooner came now, as he asked me, "So, where's the book?"

"I don't know where it is."

He continues, "Then why don't you get up so we can find it," as he tries to reach for under my body, I punch him.

"Now why would you do that? I thought we had built some sort of connection?"

I laugh, "We talked for 30 minutes and you expect me to give you the book just like that? I don't know who you think I am, but that's not going to be possible anytime soon."

To my surprise, he leaps towards me and starts fighting me again, this time straddling me.

Being the person I am, I can't help but to gets sheepish with whatever the thing is, on top of me. I didn't hate it. He notices that I begin to get shy and my face turns red.

He looks at me and asks me "Are you-" he hesitates, "do you like this?"

"I don't know," I say quietly.

He chuckles, "Well, what do you know?"

I find myself speechless and before I can think of what to say, I blink and he's gone.
Why did I feel so empty after he left? The thing wasn't even human!

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2022 ⏰

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