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Bonus — Qualifying Round (5/1-5/31/2022)

Round 1.1 — Second-hand Romance (Romance) (6/22/22)
                           'Underneath It All, 'More Than Words' 

Round 1.2  — Iron Horse Race (Fantasy, Western setting) (7/7/22)
                            Pictures 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 

Round 1.3 — LOTR--The Epic Poem (Classic Retelling) (7/23/22)

Round 1 Bonus — Steampunk (7/13/22) N/A

Round 2.1 -- Call Me--Historical Fiction (8/29/22) 

Round 2.2 -- Wolfie--Werewolf (9/10/22) 

Round 3.1 -- Militarized Zone (10/9/22) (A/N some violence)
                          "We are all someone's monster." Leigh Bardugo, Six of

The Stars Look Very Different Today--Science Fiction (10/26/22) 
                           "Space Oddity" David Bowie 

Round 3.2 -- The Stars Look Very Different Today--Science Fiction                                                                                             (10/266/22)                                                                                                                                                                                "Space Oddity" David Bowie -- Final Version

Round 4.1 -- Endgame - Action+ Adventure (11/16/22)
                          A high priest and a pregnant anthropologist unite in the war between two                                                goddesses and a demi-goddess to determine the survival or destruction of a                                          Polynesian island kingdom.

Round 4.2 -- One Day - Sports (12/1/22)
                           Minute the Westie lives downstairs and dreams of being allowed to go upstairs with
                           the people, especially her loved one. During the summer, she spends a lot of time
                           with Tommy, on walks, bike riding, hanging out, and training for the dog agility

Round 4.3 -- We - Open Genre - Thriller, Psychological, Police (12/16/22)  
                           Dana Winslow is putting her life back together after Poppy Fairchild stalked and
                           manipulated her. Now Dana is the only witness to a kidnapping. Poppy will do
                           anything to keep her from talking, and Poppy can do anything.

                           Trigger warning: 'We' is a thriller that includes mental illness. Reader discretion is

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