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As-Salaam Aleiykum WaramotuLlah Wabarakathu.


Allah is Ar-Rahim. The Compassionate. The most Merciful. The one who is merciful upon all His Creation.

His mercy radiate all the whole world. Ar-Rahim meaning is extended to the mercy of Allah specially kept for those who believe in Him.

"The most Gracious! It is He who has taught the Qur'an"
Suratul Rahman verse 1-2

"O ye who believe! Fear Allah and believe in His messenger, and He will bestow on you a double portion of His mercy; He will provide for you a Light by which ye shall walk, and He will forgive you(your past) for Allah is oft-forgiving, most Merciful"

Al-Hadid verse 28

Names learned so far;
Ar-Rahman - The most Gracious. The Beneficent.
Ar-Rahim - The Compassionate. The Most Merciful.

Please, remember me in your beautiful  duas.

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