A Master in Training 68

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Misty was in Wu's room with Misako, Lloyd, and Wu. Lloyd was pacing around his hands behind his back, and his eyebrows furrowed looking very concerned.
Finally, Misako broke the silence and said, "You're worried,"
"Yes, Master Wu looks pale," Lloyd said finally he stopped his pacing and stood at the foot of Master Wu's bed.
"No, I mean, you're worried about Cole, Jay, and Kai," Misako corrected

"No, I'm mad at them, I gave them an order and they disobeyed me," Lloyd said
"So, not worried at all," Misako asked

"Okay, fine. But you heard Master Wu, He wished I was there for him when he fought Acronix, I won't leave and disappoint him again," Lloyd said

Misty frowned from where she sat at Wu's other beside and said, "And didn't you hear me, Lloyd? We all should have been there for him as a team, not just you,"

Just then Wu woke up and said weakly, "She is right Lloyd you did not disappoint me, Lloyd, When I said I wished you were there I was speaking of you the team. If I brought the entire group perhaps things would be different... You still appear concerned. What is it?"

"My first time in charge and I blew it, the guys ignored my orders, Master what do I do now?" Lloyd asked

But Wu fell back onto his pillow and fell asleep once more. Lloyd turned to the window outside and said, frustrated "Ugh. I'm no leader, All I do is make mistakes."
His mother and Misty joined him at the window and said, "May I tell you a secret? Master Wu makes mistakes too, a lot of them, A true measure of a leader is not whether he makes mistakes it is whether he learns from them,"

"Wu's mistake was going in alone.... so was mine, I'm supposed to be fighting alongside my friends," Lloyd said

"Yes, even if they aren't ready to follow you yet... they will be, but I don't know where they are," Lloyd said

"Um, I think I have a clue," Misty said and pointed outside the window just as all light in the city went out.
"Okay, that's a pretty big clue, are you ready Misty?" Lloyd chuckled

"Of course!" Misty answered

"Thanks, Mom," Lloyd said before he and Misty hurried out the door.
They airjitzu down from the Temple to the ground below.
And took the car, one left.

"I'm sorry I dragged you into my mistake Misty..." Lloyd said as he drove them to their destination.

"It's fine Lloyd, someone's gotta look after you," Misty said with a laugh,

"Oh, is that right, and here I thought I was the one looking after you," Lloyd said smirking.

"Only in your dreams," Misty answered

Lloyd pulled up to the building, got out of the car, and waited for the other ninja to arrive.

Eventually, they showed up and Lloyd called out to the ninja as they pulled up, Nya was now with them, "What took you so long?"

"We were, Uh-Uh... Hey! How'd you know those whatever they are's would be coming here?" Jay asked as he approached Lloyd and Misty.

"Well when all the power went out I assumed they must be at the source," Lloyd explained

"You figured that out yourself? Nice, we had to follow them," Kai said

"I should have been following them with you guys from the beginning, I'm sorry," Lloyd said

"Yeah, yeah, so are we, so what's the plan Temporary Master Lloyd?" Jay said

"In training," Kai added

"We go in there and kick some snake butt or whatever passes for a snake butt?" Lloyd said and then asked, "Like it?"

"Awesome Plan," Misty said

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