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Misty woke up in a panic sweat fell from her brow. She looked around her room and let out a sigh and landed back down in bed. A sinking feeling sat in her chest as she stared up at the ceiling above her, how long had it been since Wu disappeared in time again? Misty couldn't tell at first Misty had kept track but she eventually lost count. Lloyd had taken over as Master and that only complicated things a whole lot more.

It complicated her and his relationship dreadfully, and oh how she missed Wu.

Not only that but with Wu gone crime in Ninjago had started back up and the team was starting to be spread thin even if Samuria X's help the ninja barely had any time to devote to looking for Wu they still tried their best too, but genuinely their search was limited since Lloyd requested they stay close and near to Ninjago as possible.

Which Misty didn't agree with, What if Wu appeared far from Ninjago then how were they supposed to find him!

She sighed and rolled over in her bed and look at a picture of her and Wu on her nightstand.

She then narrowed her eyes and said, "That's it I've decided I'm going to go and speak with Lloyd about widening our search radius."

She got up and walked out of her room and toward Lloyd's and thought to herself what's the worse that can happen?"

Little did she know that this one question would lead to more and more arguments with Lloyd. 

Misty and The Hands of Time (Ninjago)Where stories live. Discover now