~Chapter 4~

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•Broken Bond•
!WARNING! There will be talks about
hunger and sleep disorders. If you are uncomfortable with this please skip chapter. !WARNING!
*Narrator POV*
(Photo not mine)
1393 words plus Authors Note
*Its been a couple weeks since Dream has awoken up from is Stone slumber. Its also the middle of night*

"I can't sleep." Dream said softly. He got up from his bed, exited his room, went down stairs and into the kitchen. Grabbing a water from the fridge and sitting down at the table. "Can't sleep?" Ink said, leaning on the wall in the kitchen. "Yeah. I didn't wake you up did I?" Dream said, looking at Ink. "Well you kind of did. Your eyes are so bright in the dark it woke me up." Ink said as he acted it out. Dream giggled softly and said, "Sorry about that." Ink smiled and went to sat down at the table with Dream. "Just to let you know, you might have to fight your brother." Ink said. Dream just looked down at the table. "There was a way to turn Night back to normal." Dream said fiddling with his fingers. "Was? What happened?" Ink asked "There's no more positive apples, so he's stuck like that." Dream said tearing up a bit. "Hey. There's no need to cry about the past. Just go sleep it off, okay?" Ink said, putting his hand on Dream's back. "Yeah okay. Dream said wiping his tears. Dream got up, grabbed his water and headed upstairs.

"Damn I wish I could sleep right now." Ink said as he ran his hand through his hair.

^In the morning^
The first one to wake up is Dream, surprisingly. "Morning Dream!" Blue said going downstairs and into the kitchen where Dream was eating cereal at the table. "Good Morning." Dream replied. Blue then made him some cereal and sat down at the table with Dream. "Blue I have a question." Dream said putting down his spoon. "What is it?" Blue responded. "Well I was just wondering... Sorry if it sounds random but does Ink have some sort of sleeping disorder?" Dream asked, moving the cereal in the bowl. "Wow. Where did that come from?" Blue asked, while he stops eating to talk. "Its just that... It's a bad habit of mine but before i go to sleep i check to see if everyone is dreaming and if they aren't I kinda of......make them? Anyways the only time that doesn't work on someone is if they have-" Dream was then cutoff by Ink "If they have Insomnia or something like that." Dream turned around to look at Ink and nodded.

"Why is that a ha-" Ink was then interrupted by the ground shaking. "What was that?" Dream asked. "Damn it." Ink said. Blue jumped up from the table and ran to his room. "Dream hurry and go put on some clothes he need to g-" Ink was interrupted by a yellow light. "Where are we going?" Dream asked, fully dressed. "We have to stop them from destroying an AU!" Blue said as he made a portal to the AU getting destroyed. "Alright lets go." Ink said also fully ready.

The three then stepped through the portal and was at the AU that was getting destroyed. "We're under attack! Run!" Someone yelled. "Who's doing this!" Dream said in shock. "Nightmare." Ink responded. "My brother?" Dream mumbled. "Dream watch out!" Blue said pulling Dream towards him. The ground was then cracked where Dream was recently standing. "So your the bosses brother?" A mysterious voice said. "Well nice to meet ya! The names Killer." He said while standing up, looking at Dream grinning. Dream didn't know what to do or say.

Killer then stopped smiling and disappeared. "Im talking to you!" Killer said reappearing behind Dream. Out of reflex Dream summoned a staff. It had a blade at the top with a sun and moon at the bottom. The staff was purple and yellow. "So you can fight huh?" Killer said as he backed away. "Dream you can handle him right?" Ink said and Dream nodded in response. Ink and Blue then teleported away to deal with the others.  "Looks like it's just you and me blondie." Killer said as he ran towards Dream, summoning another knife. Dream quickly dogged it only to be met with another attack hitting him. "Got you~" Killer said turning around to face Dream. Bleeding under his eye Dream was ready for another attack.

Killer then teleported behind Dream and swung his knife only for Dream to turn around and block it. "Didn't expect that from someone who use to be stone." Killer said smiling at Dream. Dream's guard then dropped and Killer used this to get a hit in. Dream counterattacked slashing Killer's arm.

Dream bleeding from under his eye and from his shoulder while Killer bleeding from his arm. "There's nothing I hate more than getting hit by someone like you!" Killer said as he teleported behind Dream now having two bigger knives. Dream was able to block, but was sent back flying. He was able to catch himself before he hit a building, but there was something different about Killer now. If his look wasn't already different, he now had black liquid coming from his eyes and his eyes were completely black. Before they were black, but had glowing white pupils. "What the hell." Dream mumbled. Killer then teleported in front of Dream. "You sure put up a good fight blondie. But uh, are you sure you and the boss are related? You two don't look nothing alike for you too be identical twins." Killer said, looking at Dream. Dream just looked away only to see Ink and Blue fighting. "Hey." Killer said as he grabbed Dream's hair and turned his head to face him. "Your fight is with me. Got it?" Killer said. He then tried to stab Dream with his knife but Dream's staff spilt in two and he blocked it. Pushing Killer away, he turned the two staffs into to sword like knives. "Your just full of surprises aren't ya?" Killer said, standing up straight. "Well don't be surprised just yet." Dream said, running towards Killer. Killer then started running too.

Killer attacked, Dream blocked, he then counterattacked and Killer blocked that. Dream then got some hits on Killer and Killer got some hits on Dream. The more Killer got hit the more powerful he got. The black liquid coming from his eyes kept flowing as well. Both of them then attacked at the same time and then jumped back. "I haven't had this much fun in so long! Your better at close combat than everyone else I've fought." Killer said smiling. Killer and Dream were both out of breath and bleeding a lot. All of sudden the black liquid coming from Killer's eyes went to his injuries and healed them completely. "I could do this all day, but the question is can you?" Killer said. Dream looked at him and smiled "You bet I can." he responded. Just then Dream's weapon turned into a purple and yellow sword with a half moon hilt. The moon then started glowing and healed all of Dreams injuries. "Heh. This fight just keeps getting better and better." Killer said as he ran towards Dream. But all of sudden there was a heavy negative pressure in the air. Due to all the negativity Dream dropped down to ground. Killer then stopped running and looked at Dream.

"So you really can't handle a lot of negativity. To bad, it was just getting good." Killer said as he put his hands behind his head. "Im pretty sure u can take a hint on who just arrived." Killer said as he walked away. "Dream!" Blue and Ink said in unison. Both of them then teleported right next to him. "Hey you ok?" Ink asked. Blue and Ink then helped him get on his feet. "Im fine." Dream said. "You sure bout that?" Someone said was he walked closer to Dream. Dream then looked up to see none other than Nightmare himself. "It's been a long time. Hasn't it...brother?" Nightmare said, smiling.

~Coming up on Chapter 5~

"I can't see my own brother?"
"Where are we?"
"You should've stayed stone."
"Fight me then."

~Stay tuned for..~
~Brotherly Reunion?~

Authors Note: Im back!!! Im getting back on schedule, thanks for waiting. I have great ideas for this book and it's gonna be a lot longer than the original. I just want to say thank you for all the support and sorry for making you wait so long. I might post the next chap a little late though. Signing out!

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