| 023 keep me afraid

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023 keep me afraid
— keep me afraid, act II
PSA : full paragraphs in italics are flashbacks

                                       WHO KNEW ONE MISTAKE, ONCE CHOICE, A SMALL CHOICE in the eyes of the offender, cause so much destruction, terror, and torture

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                                       WHO KNEW ONE MISTAKE, ONCE CHOICE, A SMALL CHOICE in the eyes of the offender, cause so much destruction, terror, and torture. One small mistake was what Madelyn Mikaelson had done over ninety years ago, on this day. A choice she would be soon to regret, with everything she had. In the moment, she didn't realize what this action would lead to, where it would lead to.

Where lies fall, or fibs. Whenever Madelyn would help Klaus since then —— and stand by and watch her siblings be daggered, whenever asked on 'why?' she would let Klaus do this to her, to her siblings. She would tell them that "He's going to get better" and that "He'll be better once the curse has been lifted" but, she knew in her mind —— the only reason she was truly helping, and standing by, was because she knew the true consequences of betraying Klaus.

This mistake Madelyn had made, in her eyes she thought she was helping herself —— her siblings, for once, she was doing something to make herself happy. To do good for once in this life, she chose to undaggered Elijah, as he had been daggered for over a couple decades. Madelyn hadn't known the cost of this, she just wanted to help her brother; But in doing so, that unleashed the wrath of Niklaus Mikaelson.

Once inside the room full of coffins, the girl slowly and quitely lifted Elijah's, and took the dagger out of him. She fed him blood to wake him up faster, as he began to woke up; That was when Niklaus heard of his sisters plans, and his fury took over him; a blind rage if you will. As Elijah had lifted himself up out of the coffin, Niklaus came from behind Madelyn, snapping her neck; leaving Elijah Mikaelson, knowing his fate would go immediately back to the dagger, he did what anyone one else would have. He ran.

Leaving the Mikaelson's girls body, with Klaus, her unconscious and defenseless body alone with their brother, and his wrath and rage.  Which left Madelyn to where she was now, her punishment and consequences for doing something herself, choosing something for herself. Leaving her to wake up, in which would be the night that left her with the most trauma, and fear ever before; worse than what Mikael has ever done to her.

The Mikaelson girl woke up on a hard ground, a cement cold ground. Her body ached in pain, almost a numbing pain to how bad it was —— soon enough she had realized why this was, wolfsbane in her system, enough to kill a pack or two. Along with vervain, enough to kill dozens of vampires, all in her system at once.

Her eyes were a fight to say the least; with all the herbs dragging her down, her healing and pain. Her eyes wouldn't stay open for longer than seconds, they would keep on closing, but the more she fought, the longer they had stayed open.

Once she had finally gotten her eyes open, written on the wall in blood "You chose the wrong side" and immediately Madelyn knew —— she had chosen Elijah over Klaus, everything happening to her, was Klaus's doing. As her eyes focus quicken more, she saw more writing in display "Let's plat a game of hide and seek."

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