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This is a wolf AU obviously, and Natasha and Steve are dating.

Natasha was almost always the first Avenger awake. This morning was no exception. She woke up, went on her run, and took a shower. Once she was dressed for the day, she headed downstairs to the kitchen. She started the coffee pot before seeing what there was for breakfast.

The semi-unusual thing about this morning was that Steve skipped his morning run. He usually wasn't too far behind Natasha and would usually skip her by a few times on their runs especially if they were racing. Today, however, he went straight for the showers.

He came downstairs in his usual t-shirt and jeans attire. Through his jeans, it was clear he was fighting an erection. For someone who should be close to their 100s, ruts still got to him, but he had a good handle on it. He had to, for work. There would be times traveling, or even fighting crime when he was around an omega in heat, and there wasn't a thing he could do about it.

Natasha sat at the bar counter, a plate full of food, and a black coffee with two shots of espresso. She smirked when she looked up, eyeing Steve's crotch. "You could've joined me in the shower."

They had worked together for nearly five years now; it was bound to happen. Natasha was used to being a beta who helped alphas out occasionally, or it was a part of her job. She remembered their first encounter fondly.

It was a year almost to the day that the Avengers were formed. They were on a mission, just the two of them. There had been a group of omegas, hiding in a basement in a Hydra building. Hydra had been experimenting on the group of omegas, and Steve was the first to bash down the door to rescue them.

Meanwhile, Natasha was taking out the soldiers, one by one, until she met Steve downstairs. She noticed the strain against his pants, and his aggression was ten times worse.

After everyone was safe and sound, the two Avengers headed back to their safe house for the night. Natasha unlocked the front door and started walking towards the kitchen. She cracked open a beer bottle, offering it to Steve.

He shook his head and waved his hand. "I'm going to bed."

The Russian spy let out a small huff as she watched him walk away. She took a swig from the bottle before following him.

"Romanoff, what are you doing?" Steve asked as he approached his bedroom door.

Natasha pushed Steve into his room, closing the door behind herself. She smirked. "I've noticed how badly you've needed something to fuck for the last three hours." She cocked an eyebrow at him. "I'm surprised. Stark has never been able to retrain himself the way you did today." She explained, walking closer.

Steve felt his breath hitch in the back of his throat. He stepped back, further, and further into the room, until the backs of his knees hit the bed. He gripped the sheets as he fell to the mattress. "Natasha, stop."

She smirked, even more, licking her lips as she climbed onto his lap. "Why? What are you going to do about it? Ruin me? Fuck me until I can't walk?"

A small growl rippled from Steve's throat as he swiftly flipped them over. His hands pinned Natasha's above her head. "For a beta, you sure act like an alpha."

"How do you think I've gotten so far in life?" she asked, the same smirk from before toyed with her lips.

The Captain rolled his eyes as a groan left his lips when Natasha bucked her hips upward.

She gave him a playful smile as she bucked her hips again. "Oh, come on, old man. Do you not have what it takes anymore?"

Steve's tight grip on Natasha's wrists loosened so that he could tear off her shirt. In no time, he had her on her hands and knees, face pushed into the mattress, and his cock thrusting deep inside her cunt.

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