Chapter One (updated)

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[Open file: "Talking about old friends and leviathans"?]

[Yes] [No]

A man can be seen walking past his coworkers, files piled in his hands with a floppy disk on the top. Most barely shot him a glance, and he returned that by barely looking in any direction other than in front of him. The man stepped towards a door with the words "Dr Robinson" etched into it, and went into his office and plopped the pile of files onto the desk. The pile could barely fit onto the crowded desk, bunches of other files, artifacts, and an ancient computer were already on the desk. The doctor sat on the almost just as ancient chair and started booting up the hunk of metal, while he was waiting he grabbed the files and started thumbing through the files, most were about boring tests with fruitless to little results. Some were about small harmless SCP's from the Crater, such as a bladder fish or a peeper.

A knock interrupted him, and he looked up. "Come in." A younger man opened it and peeked his head in. "Dr ▧▧▧▧▧, there you are. Come in, come in. I'll get you and Dr Ayou a chair."

The man got up in an attempt to find a chair in the office. "Wow, your room is... It's full of knowledge."

The elder of the two laughed, "You don't have to lie, it's a mess. But if you think this is bad you should've seen my base at the Crater, on one side you'd see a aquamarine full of peepers, with a random boomerang, and on the other you'd see my bed full of random stuff, and a skyray that seemed to make its own mission to annoy me until I cook it."

"A random skyray?" The younger asked, he didn't even know what a skyray was, at which the other nodded.

"Here's a chair!" Robinson yelled out, he might've had to put a few other piles of files onto the ground but he found some chairs. A beep from the computer signified that it was on. Robinson turned to the computer and grabbed the floppy disk, sticking it into the tower. The man turned to the younger, who was in shock.

"You have to use that thing? I think it might be older than me!"

"Yep, and it most likely is-" Another knock interrupted him, "I wonder who that could be. Come in!" A woman came in this time, "Sam! How are you? You came just in time to read the files."

The woman closed the door behind her "I'm fine," But she froze at the sight of the computer. "We have to use that thing?" Both of the males nodded. "Alright, let's get this over with. How many files are we reviewing?"

"1.3.1,, and 2.4.1 it's all about leviathans today." The three sat in chairs around the ancient computer and started reviewing the files.

(Start of reviewing: 1.3.1,, and 2.4.1 (Dr Robinson, Dr ▧▧▧▧▧, and Dr Sam Ayou))

[1.3.1, Leviathans: Chelicerate]

▧▧▧▧▧: Did either of you have to face off one of those things?

Ayou: As far as I know, it's only located in Sector Zero. But I have never fought one, I didn't want to, and still don't, get on those things bad side.

[1.3.1, Leviathans: Glow Whale]

▧▧▧▧▧]: Aww, why are they kinda cute.

[1.3.1, Leviathans: Ice Worm]

▧▧▧▧▧: So it has 682's aggressive behavior and regenerative abilities, but it is not as smart, is attracted by sound and vibrations, and can dig through ice like it's nothing?

Ayou: While I've never had the pleasure of meeting 682, and I know next to nothing about it, so I can't tell you that. But I can say that you should never come into contact with it, if you can help it. Meeting it is a death wish. But at least it's mostly landlocked!

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