PROLOGUE-That Incident

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The sound of gunshots were heard from behind of the car where one black SUV was following the green Sedan car of Dr. Robert Otonomus.

Inside of the doctor's car was his wife and his young 2-year old son that were seating at the back seat. They were suddenly alarmed by the sound of the gunshot and the rush of adrenaline started to invade their system in a state of panic.

Infront of their car was Dr. Otonomus who is busy manipulating the car with the steering wheel in a way that its speed is greater than that of the car behind them. With caution, Dr. Otonomus drive through dark corners and paths trying to lose the car behind them.

"Who are they anyway?" Mrs. Otonomus said from the back seat watching intently the rearview mirror securing that they've lost the track of the other car.

"I don't know," he replied calmly focusing more of his attention on the road, "maybe they're one of some of my jealous persona!"

"You think?"

"I guess."

"Does the car looks familiar to you?"

Mr. Otonomus went back from the memory of the time seeing the car behind and answered his wife without a clue of the car's familiarity.

"It's not much I remembered!"

He then started to accelerate faster securing that they won't be followed again and trying to reach their destination as soon as possible.

Without knowing, a sudden strike of a flashing gunshot resonated from behind rattling all the people riding the green Sedan car. It is then followed with another two gunshots and almost her wife had jumped from her seat and docked to the floor with his son to take cover.

"They're not stopping!" his wife shouted between sighs, "Should you drive much faster!"

"I'm trying," he surrendered, "but she's almost out of gas!"

"I thought you've filled her up before we drove off?"

"I forgot!"

"For goodness sake," she cursed. Then reach for her purse and opened it to grab her iphone.

"I'll try to call 911!" she said and fastly dialed the numbers. After two rings, a low voice was heard from the other line.

"Hello! This is 911! How can I help you?"

"We're currently being chased by unknown entities riding in a black SUV now and they're currently shooting us!"

"What's your location ma'am?"

"I did'nt knew exactly our location but we're on the road to Seattle!"

"Does your phone have GPS service? Will try to track you."


"Okay, just a minute..."

The other line went silent and Mrs. Otonomus sighed in relief.

"We've found your location now ma'am. Please stay calm for a while and try to get rid of those gunshots until the rescue team arrive! Understand?"

"Yes sir!"

"Okay, please be safe."

And the session ended as Mrs. Otonomus pressed the end button and looked to her husband who is intently focusing the ride.

"A rescue is on the way! Just keep moving and try not to lose focus of the road!" she instructed her husband and fixed the position of their son who is currently asleep between those wild loud gunshots.

The shots are continuous and one of those hit the back glass of the car and turned it to tiny million little crystals that scattered inside the car. Mr. Otonomus was warned and docked himself getting rid being targeted. He then accelerates even faster knowing that they might be easily shot when they're near from the other car.

"This is getting really bad, Robert!" his wife mumbled and found herself uncomfortable and very nervous the fact that they're car has an open view.

"Do you brought with you a gun?" she hissed and watched the rearview mirror and having a clear view of two shadows inside the black SUV.

"There are two of them! Wearing black hoodies. One of them has a black shining riffle." she reported.

"A riffle! They're too armed and I guess they've planned this very well."

"I guess so!"

"How much time will it consume so that the rescue will come?" he stated patiently and looked to the speedometer and to the fuel gauge.

"She's almost out of gas. She can't stay long!" he gasped.

Behind them was a speeding up black SUV that was following them almost an hour now and one of the shadows got his half body out of the window and aimed the riffle directly to the open view backside of the car.

Mrs. Otonomus saw what will happen and shouted a warning to her husband.

"Robert, dock!"

And soon continuous flashing gunshots were heard and hit the car directly and breaking some of the glass on its front and left side. One of them hit one of the wheels and made the car ran sideways and losing control of the road.

"Oh shit!"


"Get yourselves ready, we have no choice!" he helped her husband up and saw the black car stopped its tracked. He then opened one of the doors and readied themselves to jump, "We're going to jump!"


"We're going to jump!" he repeated but before they've jumped out of the car, a gunshot was heard again and hit directly to the other wheel that made the car stumble and roll to a nearby hillside and downward slope making it roll down to the woods leaving small traces of it on the road.

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