The Decision

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The Next morning I wake up not super happy. I only wasn't happy because it was Sunday and that meant Monday was nearing sadly. I decided to go visit Spencer so I did my morning routine hair, teeth, and clothes.

 I decided to go visit Spencer so I did my morning routine hair, teeth, and clothes

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I put on my clothes for the day and head out.
"Mom Dad I'm heading to Spencer's" I told them
"If you guys decided to go somewhere else text me" my mom said
"Have fun" they both said at the same time
I opened the door to the warm morning sun I stood there for a little shut the door and set off to Spencer's house. As I was walking I paused at Shawn's apartment. Looking up at the two story building I walked along. Once finally reaching Spencer's I knocked on the door and backed up a little waiting for an answer. The door opened up to Dylan.
"Sup Dylan how you been" at those words he immediately opened the door for me to come in
"Who was that at the door?" I hear Mrs. Grace question from the kitchen
"Look for yourself" Dylan said as we entered to kitchen Mrs. Grace turned to see me
"Ohh Deja come here give me a hug" she then paused to hug me and continued "Why are you here"
"Well I thought I have nothing to do and Spencer Dylan and I haven't hung out I a while" already
"I like your thinking" Dylan said and after those words he dashed off to his room to get changed
"Who was at the door ma" I heard Spencer as he opened the doors to his room. He then went into the kitchen and saw us sitting there coffee in our hands.
"Hey Spence" I said
"Oh hey Dej" he replied getting a bowl of cereal
"So I was wondering if you Dylan and I could hang out today" I told him
"By hearing this I'm guessing Dylan has this set in stone" he said
"Yup" I replied
At that moment Dylan came out all dressed and ready to go
"Hurry up Spence" he said
"Aye we got all day ima take my time eating a bowl of cereal" he said a little sass in his voice.
Time skip Spencer was now finally finished with his bow of cereal
Dylan and I were in the couch watching Tom and Jerry when Spencer finally came out of his room ready for the day.
"Finally" Dylan said sass lacing his vice in a sarcastic way
"Boy don't you start with me" Spence threw back at him.
We then left to the basketball court Dylan brought his ball I sat on a bench watching them play. I then hear multiply footsteps coming our direction. I turned to see Shawn he motion for his boys to stop and I rolled my eyes.
"Deja can we talk"
"Fine" I said both curiosity and sass lacing my voice
"I saw you this morning" he mentioned
"What is it illegal to look at your cousins apartment" I spat back
"No but I just wondered why you stopped but didn't come in, at least to see Maya" at the sound of her name I felt guilty and it obviously showed
"Hey I didn't mean it like that I mean she misses her Auntie Deja"
"I know I just- with us not in a very talkative state it's hard to be in a room with you for her and not start arguing" I said
"Well consider this a step forward in the right direction hopefully sometime this week you could stop by it's the anniversary of her moms being gone for three whole years, she'd needs everyone right now and not making this all me but so do I"
As I remembered this I gave in
"Yeah I'll be there as much as I can"
At that his ego lifted from the tough gangster guy to his soft side and he let a smile show
"I'm holdin you to it" he said walking away smiling seeing him smile only made me grow one myself.
I turned back to Spencer am Dylan and sat down.
"What was that about!" He asked
"Taking a step in the right direction in going to see him and Maya this week as much as I can" I said
He looked at me with a questionable face
"It's the three year anniversary of Mayas mom being gone and I wanna be there for them" I explains at the end of the sentence his questionable face faded into a understanding face. After that we all went to the restaurant to get. Some food the whole time I couldn't help but thinking about seeing maya again it was exciting. Once we got back to Spencer's house we saw his coach standing in the living room.
"Hey Spencer we need to talk" coach said Dylan started for his room and I followed
"Dej" I heard Spence say I turned to see him motion for me to sit next to him on the couch. We all looked at the coach in question.
"Hawthorn is accusing us of drafting" he said And at those words all of our faces fell we all knew this would happen sooner or later but we all hoped later.
"Well it was nice playing for you coach" Spencer said
"Who said you aren't playing for me" he said
"Well we can't afford to live to Beverly and if the board finds out that you did draft me after the season started you will be suspended"
We all took a second to think of other alternatives
All I could think of was either the James mining to Beverly Hills or Spencer staying with one of his teammates there. As I think of that I lock eyes with the coach we though the same thing.
"You could stay with me" he suggested
Spencer looked at his mom and back at Billy
"You boils stay with me during the week and come back to Crenshaw during the weekend" Billy suggested yeh again we all looked at Mrs. Grace as she nodded her head and hot up to explain the matter to Dylan. Spencer got up to pack his bag and I helped him once every thing was ready it was 6 o'clock Billy took Spencer back to his home and I left to mine. Once I reached home I told mom and dad the matter at hands about Spencer and Shawn they agreed to let go over there after school and I then went to brush me teeth and put my pajamas on once everything was done I was submerged into the lovely state of sleep.
( hi guys another big chapter done thank you for the support and all the reads in this book have a good day/night 🏜)

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