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Bet ya'll were hoping this would be the next chapter after that cliff-hanger hey?

Don't worry, it'll be uploaded soon enough 😉

But in the meantime, this author is in need of a little help.....

They both look great hey?
I'm slowly figuring out how to make good covers 🤣
The problem is though, I can't decide which picture should have the honor of being the cover for the sequal.

That's where you guys come in.

Drop your vote in the comments below and let me know which one you think should be the cover. This will also decide if the horse in the story has a face marking or not as the horse in the background will be Maddie's next equine partner.

(Little spoiler there 😉)

Also, I have been playing around with the idea of a little one-shot, diary entry type series from Maddie's POV of course. I've been wanting to experiment with getting inside her head and writing her as first person instead of third and thought this might be the perfect way to do so.


Anyway, vote away and I'll see you all again soon with Chapter 29

Walker: Wish To Be A WalkerWhere stories live. Discover now