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"hurry up" mj complained as they walked down the stairs to catch a train to the museum

"deal with it" y/n said sliding down the rails. 

"really" mj mumbles,

"yeah" they only ended up having to wait a minute until the train came. they got on it was quiet and nice. mj and y/n both shared an earbud and listened to some music. 

"did you know this song was about a psych ward patient in the 50's" mj says once the song finished 

"i did not" y/n admits as they stepped off the train. and back up the stairs. 

"mmm" mj responds. 

they begin the short walk to the art museum already admiring the sculptures near the entrance. the second y/n walks in she closes her eyes 

"and thats a penis" she says scrunching her face. mj laughs at her taking her hand and pulling them away from the people sculptures. 

"here" mj smirks when they were infront of a painting. no one really knew who painted it but it was admired. 

"that one is a mood" y/n points to a person drunk passed out over the side of a couch. 

"okay?" mj smiles "i like that one" she points to a person holding a knife to someone elses throat in the back corner

"oh! i didnt even see them" y/n says admiring the pair "i remember the first time i did that when i was i think 6" she adds casually 

"sometimes i forget your, you" mj says looking at y/n before 

"what? you cant fathom the thought of me being more brilliant than you" y/n smirks. mj rolls her eyes and they move to the next painting 

"oh this looks cool" mj says taking a step closer 

"yeah the original one looked better this is a fake i painted 2 years ago" y/n says 

"im sorry WHAT" mj says 

"Посмотрите, я не хотел, но вы знаете, как это в красной комнате. Я удивлен, что получилось хорошо." (look i didnt want to but y'know how it is in the red room. im surprised it turned out to well. ) y/n admits 

"damn okay" mj says and proceeds to listen as y/n points out tiny differences 

a couple seconds later there was a tap on y/ns shoulder. she looked over to see a boy no older than 7 

"hey kid" y/n says confused 

"was vaht russian?" they kid asks tilting his head. y/n looks over to mj shooting her a look before turning back to the kid 

"yes yes it was" she gives a lopsided smile 


"uh фарт" she tilts her head

y/n pov

"farth?" he says quite well, i just nod my head he smiles "thank you lady" he hugs my leg and runs back to his group which i now notice was kinda like a holiday care thing. i shrug my shoulders as we move around the museum. we turn a corner and boom titties. 

"WHAT IS WITH THIS PLACE AND NAKED PEOPLE" i groan mj laughs at me 

"its a museum what do you expect"

"eugh" i roll my eyes 

wandas pov

while y/n was out i started to make a cake. i was listening to one of the playlists y/n had made that reminded her of me. she doesnt know i know about these but i think its the cutest. i may or may not have 1 or 2 myself. Dont Blame Me by talor swift came on and i think we can all agree this is a great song song. i dont use my magic to make this cake so its all me. 

"Don't blame me, love made me crazy if it doesn't, you aint doin' it right" i sung and nat walked in whistling. 2 notes. 

"oh hey wanda". she says with red eyes 

"hey nat, you alright" i tilt my head 

"yeah im fine" she laughs dipping her pinky into the cake batter and tasting it. i raise an eyebrow at her and she jsut walks away grabbing her long coat. 

"marias taking me on a date are you alright by yourself" nat checks in, and i nod. it wasnt the best feeling being left by yourself in this huge compound but i was okay with it as it would only be a few more hours. grabbing the cake pan an line it with baking paper before nat comes over to kiss my head. "okay see you later маленькая ведьма" (little witch)

"bye nat" i smile and wave as she leaves. resuming my music i dance around putting the cake in the oven. just as i was about to begin cleaning i get a call, seeing as it was y/n i answer the facetime if it was anyone else i probably would have ignored it. cause people.

 "hey love" i greet 

"hello" she grins 

"whats up?" i ask since they were meant to be at the museum 

"y/n saw a dick!" mj shouts from the background 

"w-what?" i laugh 

"eugh like 3 of them and titties and so so many asses. LIKE WHY CANT STATUES HAVE CLOTHES FOR FUCKS SAKE" she groans rolling over and i can now see they were laying on the grass. 

"we still have a whole side to look at but someone wanted sushi" mj says 

"hey  its good" y/n argues, and i laugh 

"okay well ill let you guys finish your museum date than i want y/n back" i tell mj

"ya could have just said u missed me" y/n smirks and i hang up on her to receive an immediate text 

buba <3



(: you love me



lots of love your author 

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