RE, Ch: 4- Equal Exchange

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Cover art created by LowkeyKosmic


It took two days before Rainbow Steve was back to himself; mostly back to himself.

Any questions about what happened, or similarly, what triggered his panic attack were met with; "I don't know!" "I can't remember it." or, "I don't want to think about it.."

There were only so many times people could be turned away, so most of his friends just stopped asking on their own; however, it took the order of Red Steve to stop Blue from his pestering.

"You'll trigger another attack at this rate, leave him alone if he doesn't want to talk about it." Rainbow had overheard the brief conversation - a telling off, really - through his bedroom wall; he hadn't slept well that night.

Blue Steve had apologized to Rainbow the morning after, said he didn't mean to pressure as much as he did, he was just scared. Rainbow could understand his fear, could realize how his Blue friends' mind worked and how the lack of information worried him more than his usual.

It didn't change Rainbow's silence, however; it wasn't that he wanted to leave his friends in the dark, he simply didn't know how to talk about it.

The days after the event contained rest, by both Professor Red and Dr. Blue's orders.

A rest from training, a rest from scouting, a rest from their roles entirely. A few days, one week, where they could just exist.

A week that they could attempt to relax; their lives never allowed for true relaxation not when everything could go to shit at a moment's notice on any day. It was stressful. Though it was what they'd chosen.

What all but one of the group had chosen, at least.

It was now a Friday night, exactly six days of rest had passed, and tonight the steves were out and about. Walking, talking, window shopping, actually shopping - when Purple Steve all but dragged them all into an old record shop - simply existing together in the city.

It was good for them, all of them, however for Rainbow Steve the experience was soured; Soured by anxious thoughts that had plagued his mind these past six days. Terrible thoughts. Ones that claimed his headspace as their own, ones that sunk in sharp claws coated in venom of worry and anxiety and refused to let go.

'I could use a drink.' He hated how that thought had been echoing back to him over and over as the days passed.

"Rainbow you've been on edge and I surely don't blame you, but what if you had another panic attack while you were away?? None of us would be there to help you." Echoed alongside it.

Blue Steve's words coming back to him, again and again and again. It was a battle for attention between the two thoughts.

A war between all of the rest.

By evening they all were in agreement of eating out before heading home, Rainbow's thoughts had more time to wander over dinner, in between tidbits of conversation, 'I could use a drink' found itself at the front of his mind multiple times over the two hours he sat there fidgeting.

As they exited the restaurant the sun was on it's way to setting, horizon line pinkening over the tall buildings surrounding them. Rainbow Steve couldn't tell exactly where they were in the city, however he recognized the name of the street they were on as they walked past a sign.

He knew which way to follow the street if he wanted to get to those two familiar doors his mind so loudly demanded to walk through. To the promised calmness within them...

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