RE, Ch: 5- Relax

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Cover art created by LowkeyKosmic


The peacefulness of the morning was relaxing, it left Nightmare feeling well rested despite his lack of sleep in the night.

It was often something he was reliant upon, to have time in the earliest hours of the day to rest his tired body. There was only so much Five Hour Energy™ could do, after all.

This morning he found himself feeling more well rested than usual, something he'd noticed weeks prior as well, perhaps it was not having to lay alone. Having another tucked close to his chest, someone to hold close, a silent promise of safety. How he longed for such a promise..

He'd give what he could not have, it made him feel better about himself, anyway.

The man tucked his face to the other's fluffy hair, breathing him in, holding him close. He'd lay and rest until Rainbow stirred, he knew he needed it. It was hardly a chore to listen to the other's even breaths, to feel his steady heartbeat, thump thump thump while the seconds ticked by, thump thump thump while the minutes passing turned into hours, thump thump thump keeping him grounded through the night until it faded into early morning - sunlight filtering through the curtains.

A few times a phone buzzed, he couldn't tell if it was his own or Rainbow's, he didn't care enough to check, too dozy to want to move or even expend the energy on a small teleport.

It blinked twelve forty two on the room's small digital clock before Rainbow Steve began to shuffle, eyes cracking open a touch before snapping shut again; Little wriggles in Nightmare's hold.

Nightmare's smile was bittersweet as he coughed lightly to clear his throat, "Good morning.." Rainbow wriggled a bit more, Nightmare pulled back so that the other steve could turn to look at him, still blinking away sleep from his eyes. As soon as he really focused on Nightmare Steve, he wore a soft smile, one that Nightmare didn't feel he deserved be directed at him.

"Good morning.." Rainbow replied, shuffling to close the small space between them, silently demanding that Nightmare's arm be wrapped back around him while he tucked his face into the man's neck. Nightmare couldn't help but be charmed, who wouldn't be?

He sighed in content as they lay there a few more minutes, soaking up the warmth one another provided.

"Time's it?" Rainbow mumbled, still groggy and unwilling to turn back around and check for himself. Thankfully Nightmare Steve could see just fine, "Twelve forty five," Rainbow groaned at that. "Don't wanna get up.." Nightmare just chuckled, tracing patterns on the steve's back..


By the time the clock hit one Nightmare Steve had managed to drag himself to the shower, it was a struggle prying Rainbow Steve off of himself just to leave the bed; the man was far stronger than he outwardly appeared. Upon seeing his own reflection his jaw nearly dropped, red overtaking his features. His neck was more mottled purple and red than it was his natural skin tone.

He'd known the other had left plenty of marks on him, his neck was sore, he'd known there'd be plenty of visible bruising. He just didn't think it would look so, prominent.

'Well shit.' He was most certainly not getting away from his groups' pestering this time.

There were more serious downsides to this that should be occupying his thoughts, but they were blessedly absent for now.

Stepping under the spray of water shocked his system back to full functionality, only after feeling more clear headed did he allow the water to go hot. It was a quick wash, dry, and change back into his clothing. Hand on the bathroom doors' doorknob he wondered briefly what he'd say when he stepped back into the room, if he'd say anything at all, or if he should wait until after Rainbow was fully awakened and refreshed as well.

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