Chapter 7 : Declaration

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School was closed the day after the attack they wanted the students to have a little break but it was tough to relax midoriya was in his room watching his favorite video of All might and while watching he began to think about all that was going on while lifting weights where as for (Y/N)

(Y/N): Oh c'mon you've got to be kidding me I'm injured and your making me do this!!

Hakuji ( (Y/N)'s dad ) : Stop complaining your injured not dead now come on those windows aren't gonna wash themselves.

(Y/N): c'mon old man I'm a hero in training not a window washer in training!

Hakuji: well that's obvious I mean you really are bad at it.

(Y/N) : What you say you old fart you just watch by the end of today this entire house will be spotless!

Hakuji: Yeah sure.( In a sarcastic tone )

( Y/N ) proceeds to clean the whole house spotless only to realize

( Y/N ) : You tricked  me you old fart

Hakuji: hahahah you really are an idiot.

( Back at UA )

Hagakure: You guys did you see we are on the news it was awesome !

Kaminari: Yeah were totally big deals we were kinda like celebrities.

Kirishima: I know crazy right ?

Jiro: Get over yourself's they only care about the fact that the hero course that pumps out heroes was attacked.

At this point ( Y/ N ) walks in with bags under his eyes and this expression on his face

At this point ( Y/ N ) walks in with bags under his eyes and this expression on his face

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Y/N ) starts walking to his desk

Sero : woah ( Y/N ) are you okay ?

Mineta: Yeah you don't look so good.

(Y/N) then sits down

(Y/N) : I don't wanna talk about it

Momo: Let me guess it has something to do with your dad.

(Y/N) :mmm ( looks at momo )

* Flashback *

Hakuji: wax on wax off you stupid kid

(Y/N): your skirmisher not Mister Miyagi

( Few minutes later )

Hakuji : (Y/N)  could you come here quickly

(Y/N) opens the partially open door to the front yard only to have a bucket of water fall on his head

Hakuji: hahahah

(Y/N): What the hell you old fart your a grown man who's also the former number 4 hero

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