Chapter 10 : Round 1 Fight!

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Present mic : Well let's not keep this crowd waiting any longer now help me introduce our first fighters !

Izuku Midoriya vs Hitoshi Shinso

Present mic: Woah he looks kinda scared in that picture doesn't he it's izuku midoriya from the hero course versus Hitoshi Shinso from general studies who hasn't really done anything to stand out yet

The two enter the battle area with cementoss on stand by if it gets out of hand

Present mic: Ready Begin !

As soon as the match started Shinso said something that ticked midoriya off but as soon as midoriya tried to charge him just stopped in his tracks

Ojiro: huhhh I warned him not to say anything !

(Y/N): Why shouldn't he say anything ?

Ojiro: Because it's that shinso guys quirk if you answer him you fall under some kinda mind control

Ida and uraraka: Not good !

Present mic: Hey hey what's going on izuku midoriya is starting to walk out of the battle area !

Right before midoriya had walked out there was a sudden gust of wind that set him free from the brainwashing

Present mic: What's this midoriya stopped just in time.

Ojiro: With the control over him broken midoriya will definitely win this

Ida and uraraka: Go Deku !

(Y/N): woah the dudes got a fan club

The two fighters scuffled for a bit but midoriya had grabbed shinso and flipped shinso out of bonds

Midnight: Shinso is out of bounds Izuku midoriya advances to the next round !

Present mic: Well there you have it folks there's the first match over with now onto the second match

Shoto Todoroki vs Hanta Sero

Present mic: He's got skills but at the cost of some creepy looking elbows from the hero course it's Hanta Sero vs a early front runner in the competition he got into the hero course by recommendation it Shoto Todoroki Begin

When the match started sero taped Todoroki trying to trap him but todoroki and freed himself using his ice once he was freed he shot a giant ice attack that covered most of the arena you could even see the ice from outside the stadium

Midnight: ( While being half frozen ) tell the truth sero can you move ?

Sero : Does it look like I can move

Midnight: Shoto Todoroki advances to the next round !

Present mic : Well we clear the ice can Denki kaminari and (Y/N) Akaza prepare for your match

(Y/N): About time I can't stand just watching people fight .

Momo : ( smirk ) So is that why you were sitting ?

(Y/N): why you

Momo : just go get ready for your match.

(Y/N) turns to walk away

Momo: oh (Y/N) one more thing

(Y/N): what is it ?

Momo: Good luck

(Y/N): ( smiles ) Thanks

???: Ah I see the princess is motivating her knight

(Y/N) and momo blush

(Y/N): who ( he turns to the sound of the voice coming from the 1-b stands ) kyojuro. ( He says in a growl )

Kyojuro : oh come on (Y/N) don't give me that look

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