Believe [17]

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Regina's POV
"Yes actually, I have a book I've been waiting to read, it's about magic used between two people with the equal amount of power" I shook my head as Belle told me about the book. I heard a noise behind me, thinking it was Hades I spun on my heel with a vulgar look on my face.

To my surprise, it wasn't Hades. It was Zelena.

"Aren't you supposed to be in OZ" I asked her, I was growing angry. How did she get back here? I thought to myself.

"No! actually I believe you and your beloved Robin have something that belongs to me" I knew exactly what she was talking about. Her baby. I should've known she would be back for her daughter, she was my sister of course.

"Well sorry to put a damper on things, but I haven't talked to Robin in weeks" I crossed my arms in front of me. She had an expression on her face like I supposed to be at her child's beck and call. She has her father she is fine.

"Why not? I thought he was your true love sis?" She crossed her arms as well, smiling at the thought of me loosing my happy ending.

"Turns out, people can have more than one" I scoffed at her, she rolled her eyes. When she actually had realized what I said her mouth fell open.

"Who is it then?" She started to get closer and I backed away.

"Emma" I said and smiled at her, letting her know that, I did in fact still have my happy ending. Her mouth fell open even wider.

"I didn't know you were a lesbian sis?" She laughed at me, nudging me on the arm I backed even farther away. "Now why do you have to act like that? I just want my child and I was actually coming to tell you some good news as well" her arms dropped to her sides.

"I found my true love, and I believe that if I can just have my daughter, I can finally stop being so...wicked" she smiled a sincere smile at me. I frowned.

"Well threatening people for your child is no start at a happy ending Zelena. Besides, who is this 'true love' you speak of?" I questioned, who could truly love her for who she was without being evil themselves?

"Hades, god of the underworld" she smiled and i backed myself all the way into the corner.

"No! You can't be with him Zelena. He is horrible! You can not raise your child with someone like that!!" Her expression went from sincere to angry.

"What is your problem with him!! He just wants to make me happy Regina! I believe that he can change...for me" She started to raise her voice at me.

"You wanna know what my problem is?" I got in her face. "If it isn't you trying to ruin my happy ending, then it's your boyfriend!! He is not capable of change!!" I raised my voice right back.

"He wants to hurt you and Emma?" She asked, I could tell I had said to much. "Well sister, I suggest you get Robin to give me that baby, or me and Hades will have to take you down together" she poofed away in a cloud of green smoke, leaving nothing behind but the vexed mood she had put me in.

I went back into the apartment, I told Emma snow and Charming what had happened in the hallway.As well as telling them what Belle had said.

We made our way to Rumples shop, once we arrived Belle had already had some info for us. She told us that there was a spell capable of taking down a Greek god...but only two people of the same strength could preform it...or it could be fatal.

I quivered at the the thought of dying...Emma was much more powerful then I. That spell would surely end my time here, but Emma thought other wise

We made our way to the town line to at least try, I was still afraid, afraid I would loose her Henry, and my whole family. Faces of people I dearly cared for flashed before my eyes, as I focused on conjuring the spell.

I grew more afraid, and as the spell made it way towards the truck we were using for a test dummy it simmer out. I felt a burning sensation on the palms of my hands as it simmer, and right before the spell was complete fine the pain grew more. I fell to the ground in pain.

When I looked over my hands I had been burned, ineptly I pulled my self from the ground peering down at my palms. Emma consoled me, and took me home to bandage the burns.

Once home I had a glass of wine, I offered Emma some but she declined. I could tell she wasn't happy.

"What is troubling you my love?" I asked running my hands over her hair.

She looked up at me hastily, giving me an ugly grimace, as if I was supposed to know what was wrong with her.

"Regina, you are strong enough, and these burns are proof" she stood with no hesitation, grabbing my wrist to once again reveal the awful welt on my palms. "Proof because, you didn't just didn't believe in yourself" there was a long pause, I lost myself in her gaze, as did she in mine. Bringing herself back to reality she spoke again softly.

"I believe in you Regina."  I smiled,  I felt a pull at my heart. One I had long forgotten.

Sorry it took so long! Been moving. Should be back to writing by next week. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

Shoutout to TracyFerguson

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